Defiled Young Housewife

Something about Reggie made Christy uneasy, especially when he looked at her with his deep, dark eyes, as if trying to peer into her soul. His attempted eye contact was brazen, but he did it when Dave wasn’t looking and Dave didn’t notice it. Hopefully, this huge black man, who towered over her husband, wouldn’t make an immediate decision. She needed to discuss the matter further with Dave. They could tell Reggie that someone else rented the room, she thought.

Reggie had experience with young, well-educated white women like Christy. He realized how uncomfortable he made her feel. A modest diamond engagement ring and wedding band sparkled together on her finger, catching his gaze.

He knew her type. A snooty, white bitch raised in an upper-middle class family sheltering her from any interaction with men like himself. As a liberally educated adult, she professed racial equality, but had probably never practiced it in bed.

Reggie had found their ad for a boarder on Craig’s List. For a young couple without any children, this was far more house than they needed. Hell, they looked like kids themselves, he thought. This house must have been a greedy gamble they had made during the housing bubble, now leaving them in financial trouble, he silently surmised.

A shrewd businessman from drug dealings on the street, and a seasoned sexual predator that had never missed a chance at scoring a vulnerable white pussy, Reggie understood the fleeting nature of this opportunity and he wasn’t going to let it slip away. He pulled a wad of cash from his pocket. “I’ll take the room. How much security deposit do you want?”

They couldn’t rent the room to this man. It wasn’t merely his skin color that alarmed Christy. Something else about him made her hackles rise, and she wasn’t sure why. Men stared at her often — she was used to it — but not like him. Standing with her arm entwined with her husband’s, Christy tightly squeezed Dave’s hand as a silent signal not to accept Reggie’s offer.

All the money Reggie displayed mesmerized Dave, who misinterpreted Christy’s gesture as an affirmation. “Uh, $500 for a security deposit ought to be enough.”

A grin appeared on Reggie’s face as he carefully pared away enough cash to cover the deposit plus an entire year’s worth of rent. This naive white guy hadn’t even asked for his full name — although Reggie was prepared with fake identification if needed — and wasn’t going to do a background check on him either. He handed the small stack of bills to Dave.

Dave’s face lit up like he just found a long-lost friend. Like Christy, his teens weren’t far in his review mirror yet. He had anticipated perhaps getting a security deposit and first month’s rent — not a full year’s worth of payments in a lump sum like this. The cash now in his hand gave him a rush of euphoria, like he had just won a sweepstakes.

Christy forced a smile Reggie recognized as insincere.

Reggie nodded at the money in Dave’s grasp. “I need a receipt saying I paid the entire year room and board plus security deposit.”

“Of course,” Dave replied with a quick and enthusiastic shake of Reggie’s hand to finalize their deal. “I’ll be right back.” Dave went to fetch a pen and paper to write the receipt, leaving Christy alone with Reggie.

Unwittingly, Dave was allowing a violent, high-ranking mobster — who wanted to keep a low profile — into their home, and he was giving this criminal easy access to his young, gorgeous wife.

While Dave was gone, Reggie took another look at Christy’s tight ass and firm, young tits, peeling away her clothing with his eyes, as if she was luscious fruit he wanted to devour. He imagined how she looked beneath that modest dress she wore.

Christy certainly was an attractive package. She stood about medium height with a petite build and perfect measurements that included a tight, flat stomach, nicely curved buttocks, and full breasts — in Reggie’s opinion the epitome of female form.

The 22-year-old college graduate and housewife took care of her figure through strict diet and daily exercise. Her model-like figure, combined with smooth, white skin, dark blue eyes, and silky, blond hair extending slightly past her shoulders, received the gaze of many, who saw in her a girl of their dreams. But no one could have Christy because her heart belonged to her husband, Dave.

But that didn’t stop Reggie from undressing her with his dark eyes. Nor did it change his intentions. His cock twitched as he thought about fucking this cute, white girl.

Reggie told them he was in school, but he was not dressed like your typical college student, wearing an expensive sports jacket, silk slacks and Polo dress shirt that were all tailor fit and showed off a tall, muscular physique. Christy noticed impressive diamond rings on each of his hands. He looked more like an NFL linebacker than a college student to her.

“So, what are you studying?” Christy nervously asked, attempting to break an awkward silence. Reggie also seemed a little old to still be in college as he had claimed. She guessed he was at least 28-years-old, although it was difficult to tell with black men, their dark skin resistant to sun seemed to defy normal aging.

Reggie had told them he was in college, but he hadn’t set foot on a college campus in years, not since his early days hustling drugs on the street. In his line of business, he moved up in rank without needing a formal education. “African Studies,” he responded.

His quick reply with no elaboration seemed suspicious to Christy, but Dave suddenly returned smiling, a neatly written receipt and an extra key to their house in hand. “Here you go, roommate.”

Reggie took his key and receipt from Dave. “Okay, great. I’ll be back later with my stuff.”

Christy felt relief as she watched Reggie leave. He had made her feel anxious, like she was standing on the roof of a skyscraper, looking over the edge without anything stopping her from falling.

“Look at all this money!” Dave gleefully whispered holding up numerous hundred-dollar bills immediately after the door had closed and Reggie departed.

Christy felt uneasy about having that strange black man move in with them. “I don’t know about this guy. Maybe we should check him out first, honey.”

Christy stood waiting for a reply. Dave’s back was towards her as he counted the money on their kitchen table for a second time. He wasn’t listening to her and didn’t hear what she had said.

Perhaps she was being overly cautious. She hadn’t seen Dave this happy in a long time, since the rough economy had taken away their jobs and his pride, it seemed. The warehouse position he found didn’t pay all their bills, but this was enough cash to bring them current on their taxes and avoid foreclosure.


Reggie returned a few hours later that evening and quietly unpacked in his new bedroom while Christy and Dave went to bed. He couldn’t believe his luck finding such an unwary couple, and more to the point, a young, beautiful girl to eventually shack up with. When Reggie finished settling in, he turned off the light.

He sat quietly on the edge of his bed, imagining what Christy looked like wearing only lingerie. Did she shave her pussy like most white girls her age? After a few moments, his eyes adjusted to the darkness. Perhaps he could sneak a peek at her sexy little body while she and her husband slept, he thought. He silently made his way down the hall to Christy’s and Dave’s bedroom door, which they carelessly left ajar.

But they weren’t asleep. The sound of lovemaking — the rhythmic squeak of bedsprings, the grunts and groans of two young people lost in passion — grew louder as Reggie approached. He stood at the threshold to their room and peered through the sliver of an opening at two shadowy figures in the moonlight moving in concert. Reggie’s brown skin provided a perfect camouflage in the dimness of night.

Reggie watched Christy’s beautiful shape, and his penis hardened as he observed her terpsichorean figure in motion. His gigantic cock pushed against inadequate room in his gym shorts and sought release from its confinement. He wanted her badly.

My turn with her will come soon, he assured himself. He was going to nail her one way or another, steal her from her unwitting husband.

“Oh, I’m going to cum,” Reggie heard Dave exclaim.

“Oh, I love you,” Christy cried as she wrapped her arms around her husband in a tight embrace and his body grew tense from his orgasm.

Reggie imagined Christy wrapping her arms around him instead of Dave, crying to him that she was cumming, her wet pussy throbbing on his cock. He quietly returned to his room undetected.

Dave withdrew his modest condom covered penis from Christy’s tight vagina and turned on the light on the nightstand beside their bed.

The thin latex membrane, slick with Christy’s juices, contained a hint of ejaculate in its tip. Christy watched Dave slide the protective barrier off. They had agreed to wait until after their financial situation improved before starting a family. Christy had only recently been a virgin bride and now she was a faithful wife. She loved Dave as much as anyone could love another person.


Early dawn chased away much of the darkness, and only a shadow of night remained. Dave had left for work early and Christy had visited the gym for her daily workout of swimming laps and strength training when Reggie woke to a dim, empty house.

Over the weeks, Reggie had learned their schedules, snooped around when they were out, discovered all sorts of useful facts about their lives. Knowledge was power. He knew Dave wouldn’t return from work until evening, and Christy arrived home mid-morning.

Reggie plopped down on the couch and there it sat, on the coffee table right in front of him, like the missing piece to a jigsaw puzzle finally found, the unguarded key to a once impenetrable fortress. She had forgotten her phone this morning. He had watched her unlock it multiple times. It was a simple, four-number combination. On his third attempt, her phone opened, and Reggie accessed the final bits of information. In contacts was a cornucopia of important people in Christy’s life — names, addresses, phone numbers. Everything he needed…

When Christy returned from her workout, Reggie sat shirtless on the living room sofa in a pair of loose gym shorts. She couldn’t help noticing how big he was, the solid muscles bulging beneath the smooth, dark skin covering his arms, chest and stomach, before seeing her phone on the coffee table where she had left it. She grabbed her phone, wanting to tell him to put on a shirt, but deciding against being confrontational.

He was gawking at her again. He was doing it more frequently and more blatantly, especially when Dave wasn’t around. It seemed like the only things he studied were her ass and tits and she didn’t like it. Her voice revealed annoyance. “When do you attend classes?”

Reggie began obnoxiously rubbing his crotch in front of her while his eyes continued raking her body. “I take classes online. Where you work besides out at the gym every morning, baby?”

The way he was inappropriately touching himself embarrassed and repulsed her and hinted at the enormous size of his penis as he played with it through his shorts. She tried to ignore it. “Don’t call me ‘baby’. I’m currently between jobs. But I haven’t seen you even open a book yet since you’ve been with us. I don’t know who you think you’re fooling, but it’s not me.”

Christy turned away from his lustful stare. She needed to shower anyway after her strenuous workout at the gym and headed toward her bedroom.

As she walked away from him, Reggie studied how the tight black leggings she wore limned every delicious curve on her young, firm body, portraying a shapely ass and generous thigh gap. The little cock-tease was way too uppity and uptight, he thought. His large balls ached from unrelieved hard-ons she had given him since he moved here. He doubted her husband gave her enough dick. Perhaps she needed to cum on a big black cock to calm her down.

Reggie waited a few minutes and then followed Christy. When he reached her bedroom, he heard the shower flowing in the master bathroom. He carefully turned the doorknob and entered her room. He tried her bathroom door next, but unfortunately, it was locked.

She appeared in excellent shape and would fight it. But he had made his decision. After the struggle, he would subdue Christy and then fuck her.

While he waited for the bathroom door to open, a crowd of framed photographs — Christy and Dave in better times, their family and friends — neatly stood on her dresser. He recognized some of the contacts he had found and copied from her phone. The still images of well dressed, beautiful white folks — who until now had insulated her from men like himself — watched in mute sympathy over what he prepared to do. Christy obviously cared deeply for these people, which would prove instrumental.

The shower stopped. Reggie’s cock had grown hard inside his shorts during the wait, his huge balls, filled with weeks of unspent sperm, about to burst. His move into this high-class home would finally be completed by planting himself inside Christy.

Christy opened the door wearing a pink thong made of silk with a matching bra and was suddenly greeted by Reggie. She tried to slam the door shut to keep him away. Her initial suspicion of Reggie had been a correct one, but she had ignored her gut feelings to please Dave. In an ironic twist of fate, Christy’s attempt to appease her husband threatened to jeopardize their marriage far worse than their previous financial troubles.

Reggie’s hand blocked the door from closing completely. He overcame Christy’s efforts and her feet, unable to hold ground, slid back across the slick tile floor.

Reggie charged into her bathroom as Christy screamed. “What are you doing? Are you crazy? Keep away from me!”

He unexpectedly punched Christy in her gut. His fist drove into her belly like a cannon ball, the crushing impact evacuating every bit of wind from her lungs.

“You gonna like getting fucked by your new black boyfriend, baby, and you gonna learn to love black cock.”

She doubled over gasping for air while he dragged her by her hair from the bathroom.

Before Christy regained her breath, Reggie had thrown her into bed and yanked her panties and bra off, leaving the hapless girl lying on her back completely exposed.

Christy wheezed and coughed. “No, please, don’t do this.”

“What’s the matter? Don’t you wanna fuck a nigger?”

Reggie’s eyes feasted on Christy’s naked body with its gentle feminine curves. With brute strength he forced her smooth, long legs apart on reconnaissance of her treasures he planned to plunder. Classy white girls kept their pubic areas immaculately groomed, and this one proved to be no exception.

Christy’s smooth genitals lacked hair or even stubble. Perhaps due to expensive laser or wax treatments, he guessed. What he had here was a pampered little white girl. No wonder why they had money problems. Her lack of pubic hair appeared almost pre-pubescent except for a neatly trimmed patch, no larger than a thumbnail, sitting above her clitoris and attesting to her adulthood. Her flat tummy was adorned by a delightful belly-button and defined abdominal muscles. Pink areolae, a little larger than quarters, crowned her perky, round c-cup tits.

Christy’s silky, white skin contrasted with Reggie as he touched her. Her tight, youthful body seemed to lack imperfection like her beautiful face.

Reggie wondered how Dave could foolishly leave such a gem unguarded with a thug like himself. Reaching down between Christy’s splayed legs, Reggie gently parted her labia, a lovely shade of pink revealed.

She felt Reggie manipulating her privates like she belonged to him. “Oh, god— no. Don’t!” She grabbed his wrist to stop him.

Reggie reached up and cruelly twisted her delicate, pink nipple, causing a jolt of pain that would later become a bruise on the perfectly formed flesh.

Christy’s hands immediately released Reggie’s wrist and went to protect her breasts and stop the pain.

He knew how this worked from his past connections in human trafficking, preparing inexperienced and reluctant young ladies for careers in the sex industry. Unfortunately, he needed to roughen Christy up more to make her submissive. He raised his fist and plunged it into her solar plexus, like a torpedo striking a ship, sinking her into the mattress.

“You need to calm down, baby, and let me love you.” He pulled her hands away from her excruciating stomach and delivered a second punch just below her bellybutton.

She grabbed her stomach again and retched. Whatever he was saying no longer mattered. Air— she needed precious air, like a diver trapped beneath the water, unable to reach the surface. And she needed the agonizing explosions in her gut to stop.

He blocked her from curling into a ball of pain. “No, no, baby, stay on your back for me. We not done yet.” He pushed against her chest, keeping her held in a supine position. “Yeah, that’s a good girl. Stay like this and don’t try to move again.” He again shoved her legs open, resumed spreading her labia, locating her clitoris among her pink folds. He licked his thumb and began softly rubbing its soft, pink hood.

“Okay,” she rasped clutching her aching stomach as he played with her clitoris. “I’m sorry…No more.”

Christy’s pleas began returning between her gasps for air as Reggie calmly sat between her open legs fondling her. He kept touching her clitoris while she recovered. “Please stop… I promise…I won’t tell anyone…if you stop.”

But this horrible animal wasn’t stopping.

Reggie noticed Christy’s clit slowly engorging from his fillips, its timid head retracting beneath its protective hood. “I found your secret spot. Does that feel good there, baby?” he cooed.

“No, it doesn’t feel good… Please stop touching me… I’m married… Why are you doing this?” Christy sobbed as Reggie caused involuntary responses in her body, her pink flesh glistening with natural secretions, inviting him to drink her nectar.

Reggie spread her vaginal lips wide apart with his black fingers and began orally assaulting her.

“Oh, god… stop it! Please…no…don’t. It’s disgusting.” She sat up on her elbows and from over her flat, battered tummy helplessly watched with a contorted face. She tried unsuccessfully to push Reggie’s head away, her fingers clutching his kinky hair.

Reggie ached for her. He slid off his gym shorts and his monstrous, black organ sprang from confinement.

Christy’s eyes widened when she saw his enormity. Reggie’s cock looked more like a truck’s radiator hose than a man’s penis, with veins distended beneath its black skin. No way could something like it ever fit inside her. “No… keep away from me. I promise I won’t tell anyone about this if you stop. I mean it.”

She was hysterically babbling as Reggie reopened her labia and aimed his cock at her entrance.

The large head of his penis pushed at her opening and Christy became frantic. She didn’t know what else to say or do to stop him. “I’m sorry I wasn’t nicer to you. I’ll do anything you want. Please don’t. Oh, no, you’re too big.”

“Oh, I know you gonna be much nicer to me now, baby.”

The pressure from his attempted invasion built. Christy fell back from her elbows, clenching the sheets in her fists. “Oh, god! No. Please. You’re hurting me.”

Her husband’s pecker must have been incredibly small, Reggie thought, slowly applying more force to overcome her pussy’s resistance. Her moist labia finally surrendered to his penis and engulfed its head. “Oh, yeah, baby. That’s a good girl. You taking it. Oh, god, you feel so good.”

“Ow,” Christy cried, another man’s penis entering her for the first time, her pussy subversively providing lubrication for its own assault, and her fidelity to Dave eradicated by this horrible monster, all in little more than an instant.

Reggie gradually advanced more of his cock into her, taunting her in the process. “That’s right girl. You got big black cock in your pussy now. How it feel?”

“Oh god, stop it! Please, you’re hurting me.”

She felt him advance slightly deeper with each thrust. “I’m married. We let you live here with us. Why are you doing this?”

Reggie placed his index finger to her lips. “Shush, you be quiet and stop crying. You may be married but I’m inside you. You mine now, girl.”

“No,” Christy whimpered. She would never be his. But her pussy acted contrarily, coating more of Reggie’s cock with moist, affectionate sheen as he penetrated deeper into her.

How could this be happening to her? Why did Dave allow this stranger into their home to do this? Why did she become so wet for this disgusting black man and why couldn’t she control her own body? These and similar thoughts circulated in her mind, her face displaying her pain as furrows in her normally smooth skin.

Christy’s pussy contained more cock in it than ever before. Reggie’s penis was triple the girth of Dave’s and penetrated past unchartered depths. With only half his length inside her, leaving six inches to go, Reggie mercifully refrained from going further. No need rushing things their first time together, he thought. But soon enough, he would make her take his entire penis.

“Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah,” Christy moaned in concert with squeaks from the bed.

Reggie attempted to look directly into her blue eyes while fucking her, but Christy kept averting his stare and moving her head away from him. “No!” she snarled.

A wild spark appeared in Reggie’s eyes as he irately grabbed Christy’s chin, pinching it in his vise-like grip. He turned her head to face him. “Look at me when I’m fucking you bitch!”

From beneath pools of tears, Christy’s eyes met his as he claimed her. She felt his immense cock making its long journey in and out of her defeated pussy, now his conquered territory.

“Ow, please stop it!”

“I want you to cum for me first, baby, and show me how much you love your new nigger boyfriend, then I’ll stop.”

Occupying conquered territory wasn’t enough for him. He wanted her complete defeat and surrender. She replied with silence, determined not to give him the satisfaction of her orgasm. The animal had already destroyed the precious fidelity of her marriage; no way would she ever cum for this filthy pig.

“Oh, you gonna cum for me whether you want to or not,” Reggie warned, quickening his pace as if reading her thoughts and determined to defy them.

“No,” Christy hissed through clenched teeth. But the physical discomfort of having Reggie deep inside her further dissipated, her vagina traitorously accepting his large, black penis and liberally bathing it with her juices.

Reggie shifted position and felt her pussy begin contracting around his dick in response. “You really wet girl. I think you starting to like big black cock.”

Christy grimaced, and her hands pushed against his muscular chest. How could he say such horrible things and how could he make her body do that? But his thick shaft kept stretching her vaginal labia and giving her such rich sensations. She couldn’t stop them. “Oh, oh, oh — no!

“Christy’s voice grew to a yell as her unwanted arousal increased. “No, no, no— stop doing this to me!”

Reggie continued fucking her and her pelvis began replying with slight coital movements back— an autonomous response she was unaware of doing. Not enthusiastic, but at least she had stopped resisting, he thought. He mercifully withstood the urge to bury his remaining length inside her…

Christy had wanted this heinous act to end, but it went on indefinitely. She finally noticed him accelerating and panicked, realizing the end she awaited was approaching and that meant Reggie would cum soon. “Please, you’ve got to pull out now,” she begged.

Christy was a haughty white female, and Reggie enjoyed every step of taking her: initially molesting her; introducing her pussy to his huge cock; making her orgasm from it. He looked forward to completing this process by putting plenty of cum deep inside her.

“I love you, baby. Don’t you want to love me back and let me cum in your pussy? You not racist, are you?”

Her eyes became saucers of fear. “No, you can’t do that. Please don’t cum in me.”

Christy’s dainty hands renewed their efforts and pushed harder against Reggie’s burly, black chest. She couldn’t let him cum inside her. Arching her back and positioning her pelvis, she unsuccessfully tried squeezing her vaginal muscles to dislodge him. Her efforts — which had worked previously with her husband who was smaller — were no match against Reggie’s long, thick penis imbedded deep inside her. His cock was simply too big and too far in her to oust that way.

Reggie’s penis securely occupied Christy’s vagina after her failed attempt to expel it, but he felt what she had tried to do. With a quick jab, he penetrated even further — another inch for her insubordination. “You want more of me, baby? I got plenty more dick for you to enjoy. If you even think of trying that again you getting all of it right now whether you ready for me or not.”

“Ow, oh, oh, no more. Oh god, Okay, I’m sorry,” she yipped, a sudden jolt of pressure and discomfort as more of him went deeper into her, the additional inch of Reggie’s penis stretching her pussy even further.

His dark eyes rolled in their sockets toward the ceiling with long awaited relief, and his penis released a torrent of cum inside her. “Oh, yeah, baby, take it. Oh, god, you feel so good.”

She felt slimy ejaculate from Reggie’s cock begin oozing from her overfilled pussy down the crack of her ass. She cried beneath him. “Oh, no, no, no. Why did you cum in me, Reggie?”

The deed was completed. She lay beneath his heavy frame, her pussy autonomously clenching his deflating cock from residual orgasms she hated yet could not control or stop herself from having.

Once a rich white girl, well-kept by a young, successful husband, now reduced to renting out a room to a black man and getting fucked by him, Reggie mused to himself.

He finally removed his flaccid cock from Christy as she remained in the bed motionlessly staring at the ceiling, her legs left indecently spread apart for a moment, pussy gaping from his departure. She glanced at Reggie’s penis as he stood beside her. Even soft, it appeared enormous and she didn’t believe the horrific thing had even partially fit inside her.

“You ever give your husband head?” Reggie asked.

Christy looked at Reggie with bewilderment as this muscular black man who had just defiled her firmly grabbed her shoulders and guided her to a sitting position on the edge of her bed. She understood what he wanted when he shoved his penis in her face. His cock was disgusting, still slimy with both their fluids.

Her teeth remained clenched.

“I don’t want to hurt you more. Open your goddamn mouth and suck on it nicely, like you want it.”

She shook her head from his grasp. “I’ll bite it off,” she snarled.

With a clap like an ancient branch snapping off a mighty tree, his open palm crashed against her cheek, leaving Christy with bright stars floating in her eyes and the coppery taste of blood trickling from somewhere inside her mouth.

“Don’t think about biting me, or you won’t have any teeth left. You want me to mess up your beautiful face?”

Christy didn’t think she could tolerate Reggie’s cock in her mouth without vomiting. But Reggie tightly pulled her hair.

“Now suck on it nice, baby, and learn to like it.”

Her lips barely fit around the foul thing.

“Oh, yeah, that’s a good girl. You gonna learn.”

She thought about biting down on his penis anyway, but he suddenly jerked her hair hard.

“Nicer, like you enjoy doing it and love me. Remember, you my girlfriend. Act like it. You bite me, and I’ll kill you and then your husband when he gets home tonight.”

Regardless of what he thought, she would NEVER like anything about him or be his girlfriend. She hated him, but his brutal temper and his vicious threats terrified her. She heeded his warning. To her surprise, even though the thought of sucking on his cock was revolting, the actual taste wasn’t disagreeable. The longer she performed the act, the more tolerable it became. As she followed his directions, he relaxed his grip on her hair and his treatment improved. Then he unexpectedly slapped her cheek again, but gently this time.

“Do I need to get really rough with you some more? Touch my cock nicer while you sucking on it.”

Afraid of what might happen if she didn’t follow his instructions, she began delicately rolling his warm, heavy testicles, almost the absurd size of golf balls, between her fingers while drawing on his shaft.

To Christy’s dismay, his penis became larger in response to her forced caresses. How could he become hard again so soon? Dave only lasted about five minutes before he came, and then he was done for the evening.

Fully erect, little more than the head of Reggie’s cock would fit in her mouth.

“That’s it. Yeah that feel good. Put your fist around the shaft and stroke it some… No, like this.” He grabbed her hands and guided her. “Softly and slowly. Oh, yes. Right there. That part is real sensitive. Ah, I like you touching it there, but I gotta hold back. Don’t want to cum too soon for you, baby.”

Cum too soon for her? Did he really think she enjoyed doing this to him? She hated him.

“Oh yeah, you gonna stay my girlfriend,” Reggie condescendingly said, as if speaking to a child. “Keep sucking. Easy! That better. We in no rush. You gotta learn how to enjoy doing this. Dave won’t be home for a while and I got enough cum in my balls to make you spit out black babies until your ovaries dry up.”

Again, he yanked her hair. “I got a lot to teach you. Twirl your tongue over the head some. Show more affection. Act like you love me. Yeah, that’s better. Now run your lips up and down the shaft. Ah, yeah, baby, keep doing that. Stroke it some more.”

She felt his grip in her hair tightening. “Look at me,” he scolded her, pulling her hair and turning her face upward and toward him. He struck her cheek softly this time. “Touch it lovingly while doing that. You need to idolize that big black cock. Don’t forget. Now try again.”

Reggie continued giving her cruel tutorials. She had no choice but to comply with his demented demands and pretend to worship his big black cock. She reluctantly learned how to perform oral sex on him, how he liked his penis touched, and how to act like she enjoyed doing it to him. “Keep showing me how much you want my black cock,” he repeated to her.

Her wedding band sparkled on her finger while she tugged on his dark appendage. His cock twitched, startling her slightly. She held his massive shaft in both hands with plenty of its length to spare. How could his cock possibly be so big? she wondered.

Reggie felt another batch readying. “Oh, I’m gonna cum soon, baby. Make sure you swallow it all —every last drop. You best make me think you like it.”

Christy didn’t want to swallow Reggie’s nasty, white cream that blasted into her mouth, but he grasped her hair tightly and prevented her from pulling away.

After the first couple of mouthfuls, he could tell his spunk became less distasteful to her by the way she started gulping it down. “That’s it, keep swallowing. Drink it all up for me, baby. Show me how good it tastes and how much you love me.”

He released his hold and Christy continued milking his penis and swallowing from it, not noticing that he had let go of her hair. When the cum eventually stopped flowing, she pulled her mouth away. A thread of jism momentarily spanned from his softening phallus to her lips, like a web from a spider, one of many strands trapping its prey.

Christy stared up at him, sparks of hatred forming in her eyes, his strong taste lingering in her mouth, her stomach and womb filled with his cum. A heavy silence filled the room until a pair of birds nonchalantly announced Spring outside her bedroom window, as if everything in the world was as it should be. Nature was ironic and cruel.

Like a vein of gold, the afternoon sun leaked through a crack between the curtains that had been drawn since morning when Reggie began sexually assaulting her. Reggie now sat down beside her on the edge of the bed and put his arm around her shoulder, their naked bodies touching once more. “I didn’t want to be mean to you, baby.”

Christy violently shrugged his muscular arm off her shoulder and scooted away from him. “Don’t touch me ever again and don’t call me baby.”

Reggie stood up. He realized she was upset, but she would eventually get over it. “Listen, baby, before you go tell your husband or anyone else about this, my real last name is Johnson. I’m Reggie Johnson. If you don’t know who I am, look me up on Google.”

She vaguely remembered that name from somewhere, but she was too distressed to think about it now. “Get out of our house and don’t ever come back,” she spat.

He chuckled at her. “I have a receipt for a year’s lease paid in full and signed by your husband. I’m not going anywhere, baby. I’m staying right here with you.”

“Dave will notice the marks you left on me, you stupid pig. He’s going to have you put in jail.”

Reggie’s eyes lit up with rage. “Don’t threaten me, or what I did before will seem like gentle petting. I know all about your family, like your sweet Grandma Emily who lives at 425 Elm Street in Springfield, your mom and dad at 321 Flagmore Drive in Dover. You be nice and cooperate, and I’ll take care of you. But if anyone finds out who I am or that I’m here, if I’m arrested for any reason, my home boys will come looking for your husband, your parents, your friends and your relatives — everyone even remotely related to you. Hiding won’t do them any good.”

How did he know where her parents lived, her grandmother’s name and where she lived? Christy was unaware that he had accessed her phone while she was at the gym, that he had searched through her house each day when she was gone, went through her personal papers, researched every aspect of her life over the past weeks.

“You need to be nice to me. I’ve been inside you and know how good you feel. I made you cum, which makes me your boyfriend now. We shared something special, baby — our little secret. There’s just a little red mark on your face, nothing too noticeable unless you let Dave see the rest of your body. Them beautiful tits and that tight stomach took some punishment, I guess. That wouldn’t have happened if you had cooperated. Keep your clothes on around your husband until the bruises fade. You just gonna have to cut Dave off for a while — no more sex with him for a few weeks. If he asks about the mark on your face, tell him you slipped on the pool deck at the gym and hurt yourself.”

Rage surged through her veins and she wanted to scratch Reggie’s face off with her fingernails, yet she was powerless to do anything but remain silent while staring up at him.

“You wanna come take a shower with me, baby? We can have a quickie before Dave gets home.”

Was he serious? How could he think she wanted to have more sex with him after what he did to her? She looked away from him in disgust.

“Suit yourself.”

He went into her master bathroom. He had his own bathroom near his room; he didn’t belong in hers. He was treating their house the same way he had just treated her body — like he owned it.

While Reggie showered, the once confident Christy sat dazed on her bed pondering what had occurred and what he had said to her. He was a dangerous man and his threats had sounded deadly serious. She debated reporting him to law enforcement anyway. But her ordeal — so filthy, vile, and embarrassing — would need to be retold.

Reggie would declare the act was consensual, reveal how she climaxed for him. Would Dave believe her orgasms were involuntary? Everyone, including Dave, would know she had been fucked by this disgusting man.

Paramount and most terrifying of all, if Reggie was who he claimed to be, she risked causing her family and friends tortuous deaths. Somehow, he knew where her parents and grandma lived. What else did he know about her?

Christy decided to remain silent until she found out more about Reggie. With his cum still leaking from her pussy, she hastily dressed and left before he finished showering.


Reggie Johnson had a lengthy Wikipedia page devoted to him, Christy had learned. Officials suspected him responsible for numerous drug related murders and heinous crimes. Many of his victims were tortured and mutilated. He allegedly reigned over an extensive criminal empire, and with the help of powerful friends and gifted attorneys, he avoided conviction.

Christy had tried making herself scarce while Dave wasn’t around to avoid Reggie. But one night while she was making dinner, Dave watching football in the living room, Reggie came into the kitchen to get himself and Dave another beer. “I notice you been staying out during the day when Dave isn’t here,” Reggie quietly said to her. “You trying to avoid me?”

She angrily glared at him. How could he ask her that after what he had done to her?

“Playing hard to get, huh? You best make sure you remain home for me. Don’t forget our little secret. I want time alone with you, baby.”

“Get away from me. You need to get out of our home, Reggie. Leave me alone. I want nothing to do with you.”

“Some real bad things gonna start happening to your family and friends if you don’t treat me right. I mean it, Christy. I know where they all live and I got lots of connections. It’ll only take a text to my homeboys. I always get what I want, and I want you, girl. I’m getting impatient and I’m not waiting anymore. Tomorrow you staying home when Dave goes to work, or he won’t come home at all. You understand me?”

What would Reggie’s thugs do to Dave? Who else would Reggie hurt? She remembered the awful things Reggie did to her — how he humiliatingly touched her, fucked her with his enormous cock, forced her to cum. But Reggie and his goons were capable of far worse things, and they were going to do them to the people she loved if she didn’t cooperate with him. The prospect of spending another day alone with Reggie was horrible, but she needed to protect her husband, her family and friends. She slowly nodded her head.

“I can’t hear you. Is that a yes, baby?”

“Yes,” she hissed through clenched teeth.

“Good girl. We gonna get to know each other real well, become very close friends, and it gonna stay our little secret. You get what I’m saying?”

She slowly nodded her head again. She knew exactly what he meant, and it sickened her. But what choice did she have? A triumphant smirk formed on his face that filled her with even more hatred for him, yet she remained powerless to do anything about it. He would easily have Dave, her family and friends all killed. He casually returned to the living room and left her standing there speechless. How could Dave have been so stupid and let this dangerous criminal move in with them?


Christy feared telling anyone about Reggie, including Dave. Reggie had repeatedly threatened to hurt her family if she didn’t keep his secret and cooperate with him. He reminded her how a word to his homeboys was all it would take. “They ready to do some hurting and killing. Just do what I say and stay quiet about things, baby, and it’ll be alright,” he had warned.

“Hi Honey,” she greeted Dave, pretending to be his happy wife as he walked into the living room and pecked her cheek. “How was your day?”

“Hey, homeboy,” Reggie added with a grin. For the past few weeks he had been secretly boning Christy on a daily basis while Dave was at work, crushing the little resistance she still had left, spending hours taking her beautiful body and exquisite pussy.

Forced sex with Reggie took its toll on Christy, but she managed to conceal most of her anguish to protect her family, and Dave paid little attention to the subtle change in his wife.

“Fine,” Dave answered heading toward the refrigerator to grab his usual cold beer after working all day in that hot warehouse.

Christy couldn’t believe her husband’s blindness. How could Dave not see Reggie lustfully staring at her all the time, undressing her with his deep black eyes? Dave had no inkling of her terrible situation, who Reggie was or what Reggie was doing to her. Reggie’s cum was inside her!

Christy couldn’t stop Reggie and he did more than fuck her with his enormous cock. He liked masturbating her, performing oral sex on her, and making her reciprocate those awful acts with him. In secret, he called her his girlfriend and kept pushing boundaries, their sexual interactions becoming more frequent and intimate, all against Christy’s will.

Dave never saw the expensive mini-skirts, shoes and purses; the sexy panties and bras Reggie kept buying her. She kept them hidden. She didn’t want Reggie’s gifts. She hated him and wished he would leave her alone and go away.

A multitude of emotions flowed through Christy’s mind — anger, embarrassment, guilt and shame. But Dave was oblivious to it all. He wandered off into the garage, leaving her alone in the living room with this dreadful criminal sitting beside her.

She didn’t want to be anywhere near Reggie. She needed to get far away from him after the disgraceful things they did together just a short while ago before Dave came home. Reggie had made her sit on his face and suck on his big cock while he ate out her pussy. She embarrassingly came from it. Afterwards, they had intercourse and he made her cum again. He was like an invasive species displacing the intimacy she once shared with Dave.

She abandoned the sofa and headed to her bedroom.

“Where you going, Christy?” Reggie called after her.

“To bed,” she bitterly answered without turning around to look at him.

Christy went to take a shower and prepare for bed. She locked the bathroom door to make sure Dave wouldn’t come in while she was naked and see the fading bruises Reggie had left on her body.

Thankfully, the discolorations were almost gone — incriminating evidence that revealed what Reggie was doing to her. She had learned to acquiesce for him, and he resorted to less physical methods of persuasion, allowing her bruises to heal.

While bathing, she carefully cleaned her sore vagina. Today she had been with Reggie for hours it seemed, until just before Dave came home. Reggie had forced her to swallow his cum while they performed oral sex on each other. Reggie fucked her hard afterwards, and his loathsome semen was deep inside her pussy, beyond reach. She wished she had a douche handy to completely flush all of him out of her body. How many times had the disgusting pig stuffed his oversized cock into her mouth and into her pussy, leaving his repulsive cum inside her this past week?

“I’m sorry, dear, I don’t feel well tonight,” Christy replied to Dave’s advances after she finished bathing and dressed. She had been giving him excuses for not having sex for weeks. She entered bed in her nightie and pretended to sleep until she heard Dave leave the room.

In the darkness, thoughts of Reggie’s big, black cock made slumber for Christy nearly impossible. Reggie had penetrated the core of her femininity. Now perverted images of all the sex they had together haunted her, like shocking highlights from a pornographic video she had been forced to watch and couldn’t get out of her mind. If only it was just a video she was remembering. She had actually done those horrific things with a big black cock and with the evil criminal who lived in her house.

At least it was Friday. With Dave home for the weekend, Reggie would leave her alone and likely spend the next couple of days away, tending to his illegal drug business she assumed. The welcome break from him would give her time to recuperate.


The weekend had brought Christy a temporary reprieve from Reggie, but Monday morning arrived much too soon. Christy awoke as Dave prepared for work. She rose from a sea of sheets covering their bed ready to finally try having sex with her husband again. “Honey, why don’t you call in sick today and stay with me?”

They had not made love since that day when Reggie barged into the bathroom and first took her. As a married couple, Christy and Dave had never gone this long without each other. Christy wanted intimacy with her husband. In a peculiar way she felt like it would help repair the damage Reggie had done to their marriage. Thankfully, Dave remained completely unaware of all the awful things Reggie was doing with her.

Dave desired her, but the timing was all wrong. He couldn’t be late for work. “I can’t, Christy. Leroy asked me Friday to work overtime today. I can’t call in sick, and I’m afraid I’ll be home late tonight. I won’t be home until after 8:00 pm.”

“You didn’t say anything about working overtime today. That’s too long, Dave.” Her voice contained a hint of fear that he misinterpreted as annoyance.

A perplexed look momentarily crossed his face as he stared at her. She never complained about him working overtime before, usually welcoming the extra money. He thought he remembered mentioning the overtime to her, but perhaps it was Reggie he had told while they were drinking beer together Friday night, after Christy had gone to bed early. “I’m sorry. I thought I did,” he answered.

Dave continued getting dressed, ignorant of his wife’s panic. A silent façade concealed her internal turmoil that felt like a violent storm raging within her tight chest. No escape was possible, yet she successfully hid her dismay.

She couldn’t be alone with Reggie all day while Dave worked overtime. She sat up in the bed, Dave kissing her cheek and heading off to work.

Christy hopped out of bed wearing the sexy bikini briefs and matching bra she had tried enticing her husband with. She rummaged her dresser drawers searching for something else to quickly throw on. It was a race to get out of the house before Reggie woke.

Unfortunately, Reggie had risen earlier in the morning and already waited for his opportunity to be with Christy. Dave had kindly mentioned working overtime to him last Friday night while they drank a few beers together.

Reggie heard the front door close, Dave’s car rumble to life and pull out of the driveway. It had been a long weekend without Christy, and with an urgent erection that demanded immediate attention, Reggie looked forward to spending extra time with her now.

Christy grabbed a pair of olive colored Capris pants and a beige blouse. But before she put them on, Reggie entered her room shirtless, tremendous muscles in his chest, arms and stomach bulging beneath his dark skin as if sculpted in stone. His baggy, black gym shorts poorly concealed the huge protrusion caused by his gigantic cock.

“You gonna go somewhere, baby?”

Christy’s voice contained a mixture of annoyance and fear — but predominantly fear. She knew why he was in her bedroom. “I need to look for work. I would appreciate it if you didn’t come in my room anymore.”

The only work she would be doing would be on her back for him, Reggie amusingly thought. He smirked while advancing closer to Christy. “I’ll come in your room anytime I want, and you ain’t doing nothing about it. You not going anywhere today. You spending the day with me. You my girlfriend and you best be good to me, baby, remember? Or else something bad will happen to Dave and your nice family.”

Reggie’s massive stature dwarfed her petite frame as she stared up at him. She backed away, aware of his intentions, until her firm, round ass bumped into the dresser and she couldn’t retreat further. “Please get away from me.”

“What’s the matter, baby? Don’t you want some more loving from your black boyfriend today? I know you missed having my big black dick inside that tight little pussy over the weekend.”

She wasn’t his ‘baby’ or his girlfriend. She hated having sex with him. But he was a high-ranking drug dealer, a violent gangster responsible for numerous murders. He had threatened her family. If anyone found out anything about him, if anything at all happened to him, his homeboys knew what to do. No one could know the secret, especially Dave.

Christy shook her head. “No, please leave me alone! I don’t want to do that with you again.”

Reggie pulled down his shorts and guided Christy’s hand to his colossal cock. “We done this before and you know what I like, baby. It’s not that bad. I’m gonna treat you real nice and love you some more today. All you gotta do is cooperate. You don’t want anything to happen to your family, right?”

She shook her head, wrapped her fingers gently around his erect penis and began jerking on it, tears pouring from her eyes like a rapid drip from a leaky faucet. She didn’t want to do this with him again and didn’t want his affection. But she didn’t want anything bad to happen to Dave or her family either. Why couldn’t Reggie just go away and leave her alone?

“I like them panties and bra you got on. You look real sexy in them. You wear them for me, baby?”

“No, I wore them for Dave,” she cried.

“That too bad. Looks like Dave went off to work and left you all alone with me again, huh? He don’t appreciate you like I do.” Reggie’s arm reached around her shoulders and drew her to him. “That’s a good girl. You learning how to do that nicely. You like how big my cock is? Oh, yeah, that feels really good, baby.”

Christy held his huge black penis in her hand, but she despised what he forced her to do with him. A naïve idea popped into her head that if she could make him quickly cum by jerking him off exceptionally well, perhaps it would satisfy him and he wouldn’t fuck her or make her do those other humiliating things again.

She stood facing Reggie clad in only her sexy bikini briefs and bra, his arm around her, their bodies touching, her fair white skin as beautiful against his dark complexion as the moon in the night sky.

His abnormally large cock had an almost hypnotic effect on her. Although familiar with it, she couldn’t help studying the monstrous phallus she stoked. It was heavy and firm, felt smooth and warm and reached all the way up Reggie’s hard, washboard stomach. Pre-cum began oozing from the slit at its tip, which she instinctively used as lubricant, twirling her thumb over his sensitive glans.

“Oh, that feels real nice, baby. I like how you touching it. You know I love you, right?”

A few twitches confirmed the pleasure his penis was receiving as it pulsated in her hand, waking Christy from a trance. How could he say he loved her while forcing her to betray her husband and do these horrible things? She remembered that she despised Reggie, hated doing this with him. But she needed to make him cum soon if she hoped to avoid having full intercourse with him.

Reggie noticed further improvement in Christy’s technique — the tempo of her gentle tugs increasing, her strokes and caresses imitating true affection. During their times together, she had learned what he liked. She fondled his penis with seductive tenderness.

He realized what she was trying to do. But Reggie had incredible self-control and allowed Christy to relinquish her dignity in her vain attempt. “Oh, yeah, that’s it. You finally starting to like big black cock, huh baby?”

Christy hated the vile thing and wished it would fall off the sick bastard. But she answered Reggie’s taunts with silence as she concentrated on making him cum.

“Oh, I gonna cum real soon, baby. Keep doing that.” But he was not going to orgasm for her. He was merely allowing Christy to get his cock ready to fuck her, like a fluffer on the set of a porn production.

Christy’s enthusiasm for the hand job she was giving Reggie grew to a demeaning level. An uninvolved party unfamiliar with her situation would view her behavior as eager consent. She stroked his shaft, traced her thumb around his glans, delicately rolled his heavy balls in her fingers — nasty things he had previously made her do to him while Dave was at work.

Reggie watched the wedding band on Christy’s finger sparkle as she stroked his large penis. He reached around her back and unfastened her bra. It began sliding from her tits.

With her other arm, she caught her falling bra before it came completely off. “No, Reggie — please, not today.”

“Let it go, baby. I wanna suck on your beautiful tits and you gonna let me. You don’t wanna get me mad. I waited all weekend for you.”

Christy reluctantly put her arm down and allowed her bra to fall the rest of the way off, revealing her light pink, quarter-sized areolae. The bruises he had previously left on her were gone.

Reggie put his lips to her nipple and began sucking and nibbling on the sensitive flesh, causing it to harden. He remained focused on her young, firm breasts. “You wanna fuck again, baby? I understand Dave’s working late tonight, and you and me gotta make up for our long weekend apart.”

Christy raised her head and stared at the ceiling while he continued sucking on her tits. “Oh, god, no. Don’t make me do that with you again, Reggie — please.”

“What you crying for, baby? We gonna make lots of love today. It’ll only hurt for a little while. Once you get used to my cock you’ll start liking it.”

How could he think she ever enjoyed having sex with him? Yes, he had made her embarrassingly orgasm. But she didn’t like it and never would, her thoughts a confusing mixture of anger and shame.

After bringing her left nipple to attention, Reggie soothingly rolled it between his fingers while moving his mouth to Christy’s right one and repeating the process. Christy’s young, pink nipples poked toward Reggie as he twirled his fingers around them and took turns suckling on each as if trying to nurse.

From earlier encounters, Christy knew the more she cooperated with Reggie, the less pain he caused her and the better he treated her. But she lost enthusiasm playing with his penis, realizing the futility of her efforts and the inevitability of what was to come next.

He subtly ushered her toward the bed. Reggie had enough foreplay. It was time to take the grand prize away from her. He wanted to assail her pussy and get her ready for his oversized cock.

“No,” she uttered, aware of where Reggie’s guiding efforts were leading. Christy awkwardly moved until she stumbled backward. She lost her footing and with an additional shove, she fell into the mattress.

Where a beautiful white woman rightfully belonged for a black man, Reggie grabbed Christy’s knees as they hung from the bed and tried separating them, but they remained locked.

“You resisting again? You best open up for me.”

“Stop making me do this. I don’t want to have sex with you anymore.”

Forcing a classy white woman like Christy to reluctantly take him excited Reggie. His fingers went to Christy’s nipples, tightened around them and began twisting. “I guess you want it rough again, huh?”

“Ow,” she cried, her breasts beginning to ache. Recalling how much it smarted the last time she fought him, the marks he left on her that she needed to hide from Dave, Christy reconsidered her resistance and capitulated. “No, please don’t hurt me, Reggie. I don’t want it rough. I’ll do what you want.” She inched her legs apart to avoid further pain and additional bruises to conceal from Dave.

Returning to her knees, Reggie yanked her close to the edge of the bed and shoved her legs wide open. “That’s better, Christy. It gonna be easier if you stop fighting me. You and me gonna become very close friends again now.”

She would never be his friend. “No, I don’t want that — please!”

But with her legs vulnerably apart, Reggie pulled her bikini briefs to the side — their delicate fabric strained in his fist — and delved his tongue right into her soft pink flesh.

Unable to control her body’s embarrassing reaction, her sweet juices began copiously flowing from her pussy into his mouth — exactly the response he sought from her.

His thumbs parted her labia, stretching her completely open, and his tongue wandered over her clit. He carefully stroked her prepuce upward with his thumb, exposing her super-sensitive glans. He explored her other folds that were extensions of her clitoris, his tongue licking them, his fingers gently fondling them. Reggie had learned how susceptible Christy became when he touched her the right ways long enough.

She sobbed. “Why won’t you just leave us alone? You made me have sex with you Friday. I don’t want to keep doing it with you. Please, it’s wrong. I’m married to Dave and I don’t want this.”

But he kept her fully open, and wrong or not, her clit truthfully revealed something different to Reggie, growing noticeably fuller and harder from the unwanted stimulation he gave it. He would make her like it soon enough, he thought.

She felt him doing unmentionable things to her down there — things she didn’t want to see. No one — not even Dave — ever touched her this way and scrutinized her private anatomy in such humiliating detail. She would never permit anyone to do this to her. But Reggie wasn’t just anyone, he was a dangerous criminal, and he did what he wanted to her, touched her private parts in such intimate and embarrassing ways.

“Oh, don’t do this to me again, Reggie —p-p-please.”

“You beautiful, baby,” he kept reassuring her as he held her pussy stretched completely open and manipulated her most private and sensitive places. “You my girlfriend and I’m giving you love.”

His words gave no solace. She didn’t want his love, and her beauty wasn’t his to take, yet he helped himself to it anyway. He had cruelly injured her once perfect marriage by destroying its monogamy, and he kept re-inflicting the painful wound. Filled with shame, her thoughts screamed, “Oh, god, no. He’s stretching my pussy open, looking at me, touching me again!”

But there was nothing she could do to stop him.

He continued going down on her, licking and sucking on her clitoris. He performed oral sex on her like a starving man devouring a tasty morsel, her pussy the first treat in weeks he binged upon. She squirmed beneath him, unable to move herself away from his unwanted attentions.

His mouth remained with her vagina; she couldn’t avoid receiving oral sex from him. Young, white pussy was far more addictive to Reggie than any drug. “Mmm, your sweet little pussy tastes fine, baby.”

“Please, stop it.”

“Why you crying when it feel good, baby?”

“No, I don’t like it — please.”

“Your wet pussy be telling the truth, so stop lying.”

His tongue quickly resumed exploring her vagina after his humiliating comment.

Christy stared at the ceiling, moans slowly infiltrating her pleas for him to stop. “No, I hate this and I hate you. Ooh… you bastard… ah, ooh…ooh, no — leave me alone. I need to look for work today. Ooh, ooh stop, please. No, please, not there again. Ah, aah, oh.”

He kept licking and touching her clitoris, sucking on it, and it felt really good — too good — adding to her humiliation and frustration.

He wasn’t her lover, but he was getting to know her like one. Every woman was unique, and during their times together Reggie had found Christy’s weaknesses — the techniques that evoked physiological responses in her that he sought. He had learned what gave her body pleasure. He kept focusing on those susceptibilities and the specific places where bundles of nerves resided, sending delicious tidal waves to her brain. He held her completely open and Christy didn’t realize how candidly her body revealed what aroused it.

Reggie observed her responses when he did something she liked — the subtle undulations her pelvis made involuntarily, the way her pussy moistened like the mouth salivates for something appetizing, the change of pitch in her voice, the faint moans that infiltrated her cries, the way her hands grasped him while attempting to push him away with less determination. He made her clitoris engorge and become receptive to his touch, and he continued indulging it, made it take in intense sensations he knew Christy didn’t want from him.

She arched her back. “Ooh, no, not there anymore. Ooh, you bastard — stop doing that. Ah, oh, ooh, stop touching me there. No, don’t suck on it again. Oh, my god, don’t. Ooh, I’m going to tell the police, and have you sent to jail. Ah, ooh, ooh, ooh, oh my god — no.”

Reggie almost laughed at her empty threat. Besides his promise to kill her family and friends, she was likely too proud and too ashamed to ever concede to anyone that she had been fucked numerous times by a gang banger, a nigger from the hood. Cruelly, he had always forced her to cum, which made telling anyone even more embarrassing for her, he reasoned. No, Christy would have reported him that very first time he had taken her if she was ever going to do it.

Although Reggie felt confident that Christy would never make good on her threat and go to the police, he still needed to remind her of her place, and most importantly, keep her submissive. He briefly rose from between her legs, his hands holding them spread apart, her silky juices glistening, practically dripping from his chin and lips.

Christy thought she saw sparks of anger in his deep, dark eyes as she looked up at him from her bed.

“You threaten me bitch?”

She defiantly stared at him.

He slapped her face, her head whipping sideways and an imprint of his hand remaining on her cheek. The blow was unexpected and blinding, like a strike of lightning. “Answer me, bitch.”

“Ow!” She rubbed her cheek where his strike had landed, bright sparks from his smack slowly clearing from her vision like afterimages from the flash of a camera. “No Reggie, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it. I promise I’ll never tell anyone about you.”

“Convince me then. Tell me you my girlfriend and that you love me.”

“I’m your girlfriend and I love you,” Christy sobbed. She hated saying that to him almost as much as having sex with him.

“That’s right. Now keep repeating it. Remember that I own the police. I’ll know if you tell anyone about me, and so will my homeboys. Something real bad will happen to your family if anything happens to me. You my girlfriend and you belong to me. Don’t forget it.”

Her beautiful blue eyes remained locked to his.

“Now keep your legs open wide for me, or it gonna be rough again. You got that?”

She brought her thumb to her lips and slowly nodded her reply, her eyes teary.

“You gonna let me eat your pussy out without any more sass. You mine. You my girlfriend and you gonna learn to like this and love me. Say it to me again.”

“I love you and I’m your girlfriend,” Christy cried.

“Keep saying it, baby. Don’t make me remind you.”

She obediently lay there while he resumed orally assaulting her. He went right for her clit again, keeping her at the threshold between torture and pleasure.

She renewed her whimpers and her moans, fought her hips from rising. She hated him and the way her body wanted to respond to him. “Ooh, I’m your girlfriend. No, Reggie, please not there again. Oh, oh, I love you. No, ooh, ooh, ah, ooh, I’m your girlfriend, please stop it. Ooh, ooh, I love you. Oh god don’t…”

The oral sex lasted until Reggie fully ripened her for intercourse, her clit swollen hard, begging for the relief just a little more attention would bring. She rose on her elbows and looked down as he finally yanked her panties off.

“What are you doing?” she stupidly asked between her sniffles, as if she didn’t already know from prior experience with him.

Reggie again guided her legs apart until they could open no further. He positioned his cock at her luscious entrance.

Christy’s hands grasped at his hips in desperation and tried holding him off. “No, we can’t have sex again, Reggie. I’m not taking birth control. I’m married to Dave and I don’t want you to make me pregnant.”

Christy didn’t take birth control pills because of the side-effects and relied on Dave using condoms to avoid an unwanted pregnancy. She never paid close attention to her ovulation cycle, and her periods sometimes occurred sporadically. She didn’t know exactly when her fertile period would begin.

The head of Reggie’s penis entered Christy’s unprotected vagina despite her protests, her hands uselessly attempting to hold his hips at a distance, pushing against them, but unable to thwart his progress. Christy’s eyes met his. “Please, at least use one of Dave’s condoms for me this time. They’re in the dresser drawer.”

Reggie penetrated further. “Oh, no, baby. We haven’t used no rubbers yet and we not starting to now. You already got me spoiled on doing this with you bareback. It’s much more intimate. I want to feel you and I want you to feel me, not some piece of latex. You special to me and I think you like it better this way even though you won’t admit it. I want to make sure you cum. This the way nature intended; but I’ll pull out this time, so you won’t get pregnant.”

He had again humiliated Christy by reminding her of how she was unable to control her own body. She recalled the previous time they had sex, the multiple orgasms he had made her have and how his big cock overfilled her pussy with semen. His penis had continued spurting even after he pulled out, leaving messy trails of slippery spunk all over her stomach like sugary glaze drizzled on a pastry.

She didn’t want to feel him this way again, so intimately, his huge penis inside her. She wanted as little contact with him as possible, yet the opposite kept occurring and she was forced to share this most personal sensation with him. “Reggie, please. I’ll do anything else you want. I’ll jerk you off; I’ll suck on your cock — just not intercourse again. Take it out now before we go too far and can’t stop. I don’t want a baby.”

Christy thought the threat of pregnancy would stop Reggie, but it only made him more excited and desirous for her. He pushed more of his thick, lengthy cock into her and watched her grimace from the invasion. “It’s too late for that, baby. I’m already inside you and I don’t wanna stop now. Your pussy feels too good.”

Reggie’s voice sounded distant to Christy. She heard his words but was no longer listening to them as her attention was focused elsewhere. She responded in unison to Reggie’s thrusts. He went deeper and deeper instead of pulling out. “Ow, ah, okay, ah, ah, oh.” With Dave home during the weekend, it had been several days since having Reggie inside her. Her anatomy adjusted once more to Reggie’s exceptional size, to his thick long penis advancing and separating the walls deep inside her birth canal.

He incrementally pushed more of himself into her and caused Christy to start crying out. “Ow, please. No, not too much. Ow, wait, go slower, Reggie. Oh, no more. Oh…it’s too far… hurting. Easy. Oh, oh, ah, okay…”

With the entirety of Reggie’s long, thick negro phallus cramped inside Christy’s snug vagina, his penis finally stopped advancing. Her whimpers continued for a few minutes synchronized with his thrusts. The boundary he reached was much further inside her than what Dave could even dream of achieving.

Typical of most females, Christy’s vagina was amazingly adaptable. Her discomfort diminished, and her pussy soon conformed to Reggie’s absurd size again. Christy welcomed the relief as her pain subsided, not fully understanding that it meant her anatomy was changing for him.

“Wrap your legs around my ass now and start hugging me, baby. And keep telling me that you love me, how good my cock feels inside you, and that you my girlfriend. You better start acting as if you like this.”

How could he ask her to do that? He sickened her, and she tried ignoring him.

Reggie lifted himself off her, his weight supported by only one arm and his incredible strength displayed in its bulging muscles. For a fleeting moment Christy thought he had finished and that this awful act was over. But instead of pulling out, his huge penis stayed stubbornly embedded deep in her pussy, like an irritating splinter stuck under the skin, and he unexpectedly slapped her face, on her other cheek this time, to get her attention and let her know he meant business. The impact sent her head in the opposite direction from his earlier strike.

“Did you hear me? Hug me and wrap your sexy legs around my ass. Keep saying what I told you to say. I’m not gonna tell you again. Start fucking me back and act like you enjoying this!”

“Oh, God, no — I can’t,” Christy balled again as his heavy torso returned to rest on top of her. But she complied, hesitantly reaching her arms around his back and wrapping her legs around his ass.

“I’m your girlfriend and I love you,” she sobbed. “You feel so good inside me.”

“That’s right, keep saying it like you mean it, and hug me tighter, baby, like you can’t get enough big black dick.”

Was it possible to hate him more than she already did? In anger, her arms and legs tightened their grip to him. She was keenly aware of his gigantic penis completely filling her with his presence.

“Yeah, that’s it, baby, like that. That’s good. Now say them magic words.”

His huge penis moved in and out of her pussy with renewed fervor.

Christy’s eyes were like open dams, a flood of tears rushing from them. Instead of her husband, a vicious criminal was inside her. Her legs remained locked around his muscular buttocks as she hugged him tightly. “I’m your girlfriend and I love you. Uh, your cock feels good. It’s so deep inside me. Please stop making me say these awful things to you and stop making me do this. No… ooh…ah… oh…no…”

Reggie felt her pussy begin contracting around his cock and he grinned. While she was reluctant to repeat what he had told her to say, more importantly her body was doing exactly what he wanted it to do.

Her hands unconsciously latched onto the big, hard muscles in his back and she gritted her teeth in angry frustration. Why did her body react this way to such a hateful act by such a disgusting animal?

But her vaginal spasms defied her anger, becoming stronger and more frequent.

“You starting to enjoy that big black dick for real, just like last time, huh? I feel it in your pussy; ya know it clenches my cock when you cum.”

What Reggie said couldn’t be true. But he was inside her and he could feel her having a series of small orgasms. There was no way of concealing them from him. Why couldn’t she stop her body from doing this? The humiliation was unbearable. “Oh, son-of-a bitch. No, I don’t want this. You’re a sick, disgusting, basta…………”

But before Christy could finish saying ‘bastard’, she drifted off in mid-sentence, her eyes becoming dreamy.

Reggie had accelerated his thrusts and altered his motions while Christy was speaking. He knew exactly what he was doing and how to deliver himself to her just the right way. The change caught her completely off guard, his long, thick cock making firmer contact with her g-spot and creating more friction between their genitals.

She grew keenly aware of the lengthy travels his penis made sliding in and out through her tightly stretched vaginal lips, titillating the millions of nerves lining her entire birth canal. Neurons bombarded Christy’s brain with signals of pleasure and a series of powerful orgasms had snuck up on her, silencing her objections and concentrating all her attention on her pussy. The deep penetration that had caused pressure and discomfort earlier now felt exceedingly good and her entire universe took on that single focus.

“Oh, oh, ooh, uh-huh,” she moaned unable to finish a complete thought.

She never orgasmed this strongly before and unintentionally hugged him even more tightly. She simply couldn’t stop herself from embracing him when he made her cum like this.

“Oh Reggie, you’re making me cum, don’t…ah.”

Moans of female arousal replaced Christy’s cries of grief and her earlier sobbing had completely stopped. Their bodies remained upon each other, Reggie in her continued embrace. He felt her soft firm tits against his burly chest, her erect nipples hardening further, her pussy contracting around his cock in orgasmic spasms she couldn’t control. “I gonna take good care of you. Keep holding me tight and keep saying what I told you to say.”

Christy didn’t want to reply to Reggie’s encouragement but found herself doing so anyway. “Oh, oh, okay, I love you, ah. I’m your girlfriend. Your cock feels good.”

Christy had difficulty returning from her sexual musings and needed to remind herself that she loathed him, hated allowing him to fuck her. How could he think she loved him or liked any of this? Why would he make her say such terrible lies to him? How could he say that he loved her — that he would take care of her? She wanted to shove him away and kick him in his gigantic testicles, even if her body was conveying a much different message.

Was Christy becoming distracted? Her hips were moving with less enthusiasm and her hands seemed to be trying to push him away ever so slightly, rather than pulling him towards her like before, Reggie noticed. “Open your pretty lips and let me give you some tongue, baby. I got more love to give you and we ain’t near being done yet.”

They weren’t making love. They were fucking, Christy thought. She closed her eyes, wishing she could ignore him and that this would all stop.

“Did you hear me? You gonna learn to like it and love me. Now hug me tighter and open your goddamn mouth for me before I beat the fucking shit out of you! Or would you prefer something bad happen to your family — your parents or Dave perhaps?”

She heard him and didn’t want him to hit her again — or worse, hurt her family. Her lips separated, and their tongues met in her mouth. “Mmm, oh, mmm, please, no, Reggie, mmm, I don’t want to do this… I don’t really like it; stop making me say I do…mmm…oh, mmm…mmm. Okay…for a little while… just don’t hurt my family or Dave…I love you. Mmm, I’m your girlfriend…your cock feels good. Ah.”

She would never enjoy this with him, even if he made her act like it, she thought. But contrary to her intentions, she had spells where she forgot he was raping her. She was unaware of her own reflexes and how her pelvis, with a mind of its own, was making coital motions with him. She couldn’t fight nature. Instinct was too powerful of a force and she participated in the sex act without fully realizing it.

The longer they fucked and the longer he made her hug and kiss him, the more natural all of this began to feel, like a role an actor plays many times over. I love you and I’m your girlfriend echoed in her mind like a mantra, their hips moving together with the rhythm of dancing partners. Their lips remained locked and their tongues, like their sex organs, eagerly greeted each other exchanging fluids. Reggie had regained her total attention and Christy’s entire universe once more revolved around one simple fact: how good his big black cock made her pussy feel.

Christy was inexperienced, never had any relationship outside of her marriage. But sex with Reggie, whom she had despised, began feeling normal to her, as if she belonged to him as well as Dave.

Perhaps she didn’t hate Reggie all that much. Maybe she even liked him. Was she becoming comfortable having intercourse with him? Although she remained in denial about it, she had become accustomed to his big cock, and Reggie felt really good inside her — better than Dave. There was so much more of Reggie. The thicker and deeper penetration forced her to feel physical unity with him that she had never experienced with Dave. Part of her wanted to be Reggie’s girlfriend and was learning to like having sex with him just like he had said.

She tried to banish her horrific thoughts and remember it wasn’t love they were making. She was married to Dave and Reggie was committing one of his heinous crimes on her. He was forcing her to do this and it was sick, wicked and wrong. How could it possibly feel so good?

“I love you and I’m your girlfriend. Your cock is so deep inside me. Oh, it feels good.” She couldn’t stop hearing herself repeat those awful words to him. He was a despicable drug dealer, murderer, gangster, and rapist who threatened her husband, family and those she loved. She would always hate him, Christy convinced herself.

But intercourse with Reggie continued, his deep penetration along with all the kissing, the embracing. While they fucked, emotions from a deeper, more primitive part of her brain, urged her to espouse their illicit act and bond with him — to accept and trust him. They kept resurfacing, like bubbles from the bottom of a pot of water once it reaches a rolling boil.

Nature urged her sentiments to match what her body was doing with his. Although Reggie had coerced her into having sex, they had engaged in it enough to begin influencing her feelings for him in irrational ways — at least while participating in these carnal behaviors with him. “Oh, you feel so good deep inside me. I love you and I’m your girlfriend…”

They finished another round of passionate French-kissing and she saw the clock on her nightstand. Dave had worked overtime, yet where did the hours go? She was still hugging Reggie tightly, and they were still fucking zealously.

Christy had become more complaisant the longer they continued this immoral act. Reggie’s huge cock burrowing into her tight, wet pussy ultimately subdued her. “Ooh, oh, uh-huh, ooh, Reggie, we’ve got to stop now. Ah, oh… ooh, please. Look at the time. Dave will be home soon. Please, ooh… he’ll find out about this. I can’t let him see what we’re doing.”

“Show me some more love, baby. Say what I want to hear and start squeezing my cock with your pussy again. I’m close, but you gotta cum with me this one last time. Don’t try faking it either, because I’ll know.”

How did things come to this — to where she was trying to cum for him and with him? She didn’t want to do it but couldn’t risk delay and Dave coming home and seeing them together. Christy let go of the little resistance she had mustered. A telling squeal escaped from the back of her throat, her fingers digging into Reggie’s muscular back, her vagina clenching his penis.

“Oh, ooh, I’m your girlfriend. Uh-huh, ah, oh, I love you. Oh, I’m cumming, Reggie. Oh, god, your cock is so big and deep inside me and feels so good. Please cum for me now, Reggie.”

He felt her pussy tightly squeezing his cock again in another series of orgasmic fits. There was no way she was faking it. “Oh, yeah, baby. That what I’m talking about. Good girl. I love when you do that for me. That the way.” He drove into her harder, deeper, and she felt the familiar, powerful tension in his huge muscles, his heart thumping in his chest.

Even though he had promised to pull out, Reggie came in her again. Was this the fifth time? She couldn’t remember how many times he came today, but they were orgasming together now.

“Ooh, don’t, oh, you’re cumming in me again, Reggie. No…you promised to take it out before you came,” she uselessly murmured.

Once more he experienced incredible pleasure and relief as his huge, hard penis fed what his enormous balls produced in excess to her soft, wet vagina. “Ah, yeah, baby, that feel really good. Sorry, I can’t pull out. I’m cumming in your pussy. Oh, I love you so much. You know what to say back to me.”

She knew what he wanted her to say to him, and while it hurt to keep betraying Dave like this, she said the words Reggie wanted to hear anyway to appease him. “Oh, I’m cummming. I love you and I’m your girlfriend.”

“Good girl.”

He kept pumping more of his cum deep in her pussy.

Her arms loosened their embrace around his strong shoulders and her legs released his firm ass. She labored her words while catching her breath. “Ooh, oh, that’s enough. Pull out now.”

He finally lifted off her, withdrawing his long, thick schlong from her sperm-filled cunt. After spending yet another day together, their bodies at last untwining. Yet he wasn’t completely finished, and she felt warm spurts from his penis landing on her stomach after he withdrew. He ejaculated much more than Dave — more than any normal man. His huge testicles made too much sperm and Christy thought this might be the reason why he was so aggressive and demanded sex from her so often.

His hands massaged the slippery spunk he had ejaculated on her stomach into her skin as he spoke. “Yeah, we done. Did that feel good for you, baby?”

It wasn’t supposed to feel good, she guiltily thought. He kept forcing her to do this and it was wrong. Christy momentarily turned her face away from him, her cheek sinking into her pillow, without answering as he rubbed his semen across her firm belly with his strong hands.

He rose from the bed and stood nude looking at the family pictures on her dresser, among them her wedding photo with Dave. He was proud of himself for spoiling a honky’s wife. Poaching married white pussy was like hunting quarry for Reggie and he enjoyed the sport of it. His latest trophy was lying in bed, her womb filled with his semen and her body covered with it.

Reggie’s smirk at her wedding photo went unnoticed by Christy. She remained in the bed, her eyes unable to avoid finally wandering to his humongous, flaccid penis that left a void in her vagina from its departure and was coated with a slick, wet sheen they both had put on it.

The orgasms she had unsuccessfully fought against having left her feeling exhausted even though Reggie performed most of the work. But the sex had ended, the euphoria faded, and rationality began returning to Christy along with her disdain for him. She detested what he did to her.

She had lost count of how many times she came and resented what he made her say to him and the way he had forced her body to respond in ways she didn’t want. But did the powerful orgasms mean she enjoyed having sex with this horrible man and vicious criminal? His seed was oozing from her pussy; the excess he had rubbed all over her stomach and tits was drying on her skin, turning into crusty residue.

She hated having sex with Reggie and she couldn’t allow her mind to play tricks on her. There wasn’t time to entertain such disturbing thoughts — even the slightest possibility that she enjoyed it a tiny bit repulsed her. Dave would be home shortly. She got up, hurriedly changed the sheets, disgusted by large wet spots she and Reggie had left on them, and took a shower to eliminate evidence of what had occurred again in her marital bed.

The after-sex shower where she used a wash-cloth and attempted removing Reggie’s cum from her vagina was becoming a ritual. His ejaculate was part of him and she didn’t want him staying in her body. But she knew his penis had gone too far inside her, that even her best efforts would leave some of him in her womb beyond reach. She kept wondering how he produced so much semen. Jism seemed to flow from Reggie’s penis like water from a firehouse when he orgasmed. The thought of it disgusted her.

Her pussy felt like Reggie had stretched it out. It always felt this way after having sex with him. Reggie’s penis was so much thicker and longer than Dave’s. It had been weeks since she had sex with Dave, all because of Reggie. Would Dave notice a difference in her vagina now?

She exited the shower and looked in the mirror. Thankfully, the slap marks Reggie had left on her cheeks were hardly noticeable. She quickly put on makeup and blush to further conceal them.

Christy began making supper moments before Dave’s arrival. Dave returned home fatigued after working hours in a hot warehouse. He barely responded to Christy’s hugs and kisses as she greeted him in the kitchen. Reggie stood beside Christy and it looked like he had been helping her prepare dinner.

“Hi, Honey — I’m dead tired. What’s for dinner?” Dave asked, noticing her eyes looked a little red and puffy and extra rosiness in her cheeks. He failed to appreciate the full extent of Christy’s anguish. “Are you okay? You look like you’ve been crying or something.”

Christy and Reggie looked at each other for a moment. Her mouth opened but words failed her. “Um…”

Panic set in. She didn’t know what to say. Reggie would kill them if the wrong words left her lips. She looked down at the dish she had been preparing, its contents providing her with a plausible excuse.

She forced a smile and gave a girlish giggle. “No, I was just cutting some onions and Reggie had to finish them for me. And my allergies have been acting up too. I just took an antihistamine.”

Her beautiful smile allayed Dave’s worries.

Reggie recalled the real reason why Christy had been crying — how he had slapped her and spent the day pumping his cum into her tight wet pussy. He had a good thing going here. She was an incredible fuck and he didn’t want anything to jeopardize the situation, especially her dumbass husband. He quickly reached into the refrigerator and grabbed a bottle of Michelob to distract Dave. “Hey, bro, you look like you can use a few cold beers tonight.”

Reggie smiled as he handed Dave the beer. Dave had no inkling that his beautiful wife was getting fucked by a big black stud and was developing a preference for dark meat. Reggie wondered how long it had been since Dave had sex with her. That honky would never be able to satisfy her now. The smile on Reggie’s face grew bigger as he thought these things, took another beer for himself, and went into the living room with Dave pretending to be his friend.

Christy remained in the kitchen preparing supper.

Dave and Reggie sat in the living room watching another football game on TV. Christy heard them howl over a play. She disliked them bonding.

Reggie was like cancer in her marriage, separating her from Dave physically and isolating her from him emotionally. Why couldn’t Dave see it? Reggie’s charade sickened her — pretending to be Dave’s buddy while taking her behind his back. Reggie had no interest in being Dave’s friend other than fucking her.

Christy needed carrots. When she opened the refrigerator, she stared contemptuously at the full stock of beer Reggie had left in it for Dave. Dave rarely drank before Reggie moved in with them. But with Reggie’s encouragement, Dave now became intoxicated every evening.

She finished cooking the meal and went to the living room to fetch Reggie and Dave for dinner.

She had never been cognizant of penis size before, but her eyes lingered admiringly on the outline of Reggie’s huge dick that hung down the left leg of his grey sweatpants as he sat next to Dave on the sofa. Reggie had made her suck on it, swallow his ambrosia, and she knew how he tasted. He had made her play with it, and she knew how warm, thick and massive he felt in her hands. He had fucked her with it, and she knew how he felt deep inside her, stretching her open, rubbing against her sensitive folds, completely filling her.

Compared to Reggie, Dave’s smaller penis hardly hinted at its presence in his trousers. Her husband could only deliver disappointment now that she had experienced Reggie’s enormity. Unlike Dave, Reggie was big, strong, and muscular. It seemed like Reggie couldn’t get enough of her. I love you and I’m your girlfriend, echoed in Christy’s mind along with what they did together — the deep penetration, the combination of pressure, discomfort and pleasure, the powerful multiple orgasms Reggie’s large penis always caused her.

She was getting wet! What was wrong with her and how had she become seduced by this evil gangster? She became angry with herself for staring at Reggie’s huge bulge and having such perverse thoughts. He was a monster and she hated him. But as hard as she tried denying her urges, forced sex with him was becoming a turn-on for Christy, and it was transforming her into a size queen with a penchant for black cock. She couldn’t fight it.

The clang of utensils against plates filled the dining room as the three sat for dinner around a beautiful oak table purchased by Dave and Christy during better times. “So, did you have any luck looking for work today?” Dave asked her.

Dave’s question made Christy remember how she had spent her days since Reggie moved in and filled her with more guilt. “A couple of prospects maybe,” she nervously replied without further explanation. What would she tell him if he questioned her further?

“Well, I’ve got some great news, baby,” Dave announced. “I’m getting a $300 bonus, plus earning more overtime. They’re sending me to the Amarillo warehouse for two weeks. They’re short on help there.”

Reggie called her ‘baby’ when they were alone together. And when they were alone together they were usually having sex. She felt uncomfortable hearing Dave say it to her now. Her world was collapsing around her and she was helpless to stop it. She looked worriedly at Dave. “Amarillo is almost 500 miles from here. You mean you won’t be home for two weeks? When do you have to go?”

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I need to pack some things tonight because I’m leaving tomorrow. It’s kind of short notice, but I jumped at the opportunity to earn some extra money.”

Dave earned the little bit money they had by working hard. All their problems seemed to stem from a lack of it, and now Dave was leaving her alone with Reggie for two weeks for a measly $300. Reggie, on the other hand, received more cash than he could spend by selling drugs and ruining lives. It seemed so unfair to Christy.

Christy noticed Reggie — who sat across from her — grin as she tried to maintain composure. She knew why he was smiling. It was a sick, inside joke she shared with Reggie that excluded her husband.

But the joke wasn’t funny. Dave couldn’t leave her alone with Reggie for two entire weeks. He had no idea what that would mean — who Reggie was and what he would make her do with him. “Oh, Dave, I don’t want you to go and leave me. Can I come with you?”

“I’m afraid not. The company is making us share hotel rooms and their insurance won’t allow non-employees to travel in their vehicles.”


Reggie asked if he could ride along with Dave and Christy as they were leaving to drop Dave off for his trip. Reggie claimed he wanted to pick up some things at the grocery store, but Christy knew better. As usual, Dave had no issue with Reggie accompanying them, even though this would be her last opportunity to be alone with her husband for two weeks. Reggie had afflicted them like a contagious disease: the sex he secretly coerced her into having with him, and his drinking with Dave. Christy saw it, yet Dave obliviously believed Reggie was his friend.

After dropping Dave off at work, the drive home began in silence, a blur of vehicles and buildings passing outside the car’s windows, like a rear projection scene in an old movie. Then Christy felt Reggie’s hand glide up her inner thigh and begin to rub her crotch.

“Please stop touching me, Reggie. I don’t like it.”

“Then why you get so wet and cum for me so much when we make love? Your pussy don’t lie to me, baby.”

What they had done together more times than she wanted to remember wasn’t making love, Christy thought. They had fucked, like animals and nothing more. There was no love involved. She responded with silent tears, continuing to drive while Reggie’s hand messaged her pussy through her pants. She thought about how she avoided making love with Dave the previous weeks because of what she had been doing with Reggie.

They had fucked almost every day when Dave went to work. The early hour Dave left in the morning, until his return in the evening, she was forced to satiate Reggie’s desires. Now Dave was leaving her alone with Reggie for two weeks. Dave wouldn’t be home in the evenings, nor on the weekends to give her reprieve from this horrible criminal that lived with them.

It seemed like Reggie never tired of having sex. She dreaded how long it would last, how often they would do it with Dave away. She wished there was some way of stopping Reggie without jeopardizing everyone she loved.

Reggie couldn’t wait to get home with her. His penis got hard as he thought about working it into Christy, making her cum, and pumping her tight cunt full of jism. Having sex with her frequently was one thing, but it really messed with Christy’s head when he forced her to orgasm. Like most women, she couldn’t help interpreting her body’s autonomous response as a betrayal of her husband and her love for him.

Reggie never cared much for white boys, but he sure liked fucking their women. There was only one thing more satisfying than poaching a white pussy, and that was getting lucky and putting a black baby in the belly of a classy, married white girl like Christy.

What a sight that would be, Reggie thought. Watching Christy’s stomach swell with his black baby inside it; watching her nurse his big black baby with her beautiful white tits heavy with nourishing milk and made that way by him.

Christy stopped her car in the driveway to drop Reggie off. She wanted to leave him at their house and find someplace else to stay for a little while, although she didn’t know exactly where she would go. She didn’t have enough money for a hotel, couldn’t risk the questions friends or family would ask if she went to them, and if she stayed away too long, Reggie might make good on his threats.

Reggie had anticipated her intentions. “Pull into the garage, Christy.”

She became defiant. She needed time away from him to figure things out. “No, Reggie, I’m not going in with you right now. I want to go somewhere for a little while.”

Surprised by Christy’s sudden courage, Reggie needed to take the fight out of her and make her obedient. “I warned you before about ever crossing me. We finally getting some decent time alone without your punk-ass husband coming home to interrupt us, and you wanna go someplace else to stay? You staying right here with me and you gonna let me love you. You my girlfriend and you better act like it.” He began unbuttoning Christy’s pants there in the driveway.

How could he attempt this outside where everyone could see them? She tried to pull his hands away from her. “What the hell are you doing?”

But unfortunately for Christy, no one saw them to offer her help. It was the middle of a weekday, and beside the sound of a distant lawnmower, the neighborhood was sunny and still, the nearby houses empty shells, everyone either at work or out shopping.

Christy’s small hands were no match for Reggie. He quickly unfastened her pants and slid his fingers inside her panties.

“No, stop it! Not out here,” Christy begged.

He located her clit and pinched it. “You keep forgetting that you only have two choices, Christy—gentle or rough. Either way, you gonna take me. You was getting smart about it, but I guess you choosing it rough again, huh?”

Christy discovered her clitoris delivered pain as effectively as it delivered pleasure. An agonizing jolt travelled through her nerves like a paralyzing electrical shock that quickly vanquished every ounce of her bravery. “Ow! You’re hurting me. I’m sorry. Yes, yes, I’m your girlfriend. I’ll be good. I don’t want it rough.”

With his free hand, Reggie calmly pushed the button on the remote and opened the garage door. “That’s a better attitude. You don’t want me contacting my homeboys to have them hurt your family. Now, pull the car in, baby.”

She pulled in, and the garage door closed behind them.

“Give me your keys, Christy.”

Only one thought was in her brain: she needed to stop the terrible pain. She complied, and Reggie’s excruciating grasp on her clit became a soothing stroke. Her hands gripped the steering wheel. She looked down in disgust, watching Reggie’s fingers work inside her blue silk undies. She was getting moist for him.

The pain was gone, but Reggie had her car keys — her means of escape. She tried to think of a way to get them back, although she had nowhere to go. It was becoming difficult to concentrate, a different distraction gaining her attention. Her pussy was getting wetter, more receptive to being touched.

Christy squeezed her eyes shut to stop watching her own molestation, but the sound of Reggie’s fingers splashing in her silky secretions was just as disturbing as what she saw with her eyes open. “Oh, Reggie, please don’t.”

She felt messy down there and embarrassed by her body’s reaction, which contradicted her feelings of repulsion.

“You see how much nicer it is when you obey me?”

She bit her lower lip and refused to give him the satisfaction of a response, her small, white fingers clasping his wrist in a futile attempt to pull his hand out of her panties.

“It ain’t coming out until I think you ready,” he said.

Her soaked pussy was ready to be fucked, still Reggie worked her intimate folds, enjoying the expressions of emotional disdain mixed with physical pleasure displayed on her face.

Christy’s face contorted from the conflict and suggested to Reggie that he was successfully wearing her down. He finally withdrew his wet fingers from her pussy and licked her tasty juices from them. “Mmm, you so sweet baby. I love you.”

It revolted Christy to watch Reggie lick her secretions from his fingers the way he did, relishing her taste. He had no right to know her so intimately and do all these things to her, but at least for the moment he had stopped fondling her. The welcome break allowed her to regain control of her body and thoughts.

Her thoughts cleared some, but he had left her with an uncomfortably swollen clitoris. Horribly, she was becoming used to him making her clit hard like this and then relieving it for her by making her orgasm. Like a haunting melody she remembered what he had made her say to him so many times while he molested and fucked her: I’m your girlfriend and I love you. Your big cock is so deep and feels so good inside me.

She regained composure and the tension in Christy’s face dissipated.

“You ready to go inside the house with me and get some loving?”

She dreaded getting ‘loving’ from him again, even with her clit left engorged and demanding the perverse type of relief this monster had conditioned her to receive. She tried to think of ways out of her wretched situation. Maybe she could run to her room and call the police. But how could she avoid explaining all the embarrassing details of the past weeks? Would anyone believe Reggie raped her so many times, yet she didn’t report his crime, tell her husband or seek any kind of help until now?

Would Dave want her after learning the sordid details of what she did with Reggie almost every day while Dave was working? Reggie would reveal how often they had sex, all the disgusting things he made her do with him, and how he had made her cum. He would claim their sex was consensual.

Most importantly, could the police protect her family from Reggie’s ‘homeboys’? His thugs already had their instructions if anything happened to him, and the law didn’t protect his other victims she had read about.

Reggie expected her to cooperate and pretend to be his girlfriend. He would be nice to her and love her. But if she crossed him, if anyone found out about him, he promised to have Dave, her family and her friends horribly tortured and killed.

One thing became apparent to Christy: the longer this relationship continued, the harder it became for her to stop it. Rather than tire of her and move on to greener pastures, as she had initially expected and as any normal man eager to just get his rocks off would do, Reggie seemed more obsessed with her. She was confused. She had to act soon. Although it sickened her to answer his question affirmatively, she slowly nodded her head, exited the car, and re-buttoned her pants.

Reggie could hardly wait to sink his hard cock inside her wet cunt again as he watched her tight ass sashay in front of him toward the door. He loved fucking white girls, especially married ones, and forcing them to orgasm. Physically, it was the ultimate betrayal to their husband.

More than ever he wanted to put a black baby in her belly. That would be the ultimate slap in Dave’s stupid white face.

Christy reached the door to the house and waited for Reggie to unlock it with the keys he had taken from her. Reggie came up behind her and fiddled to open the door. Through their clothes, she felt his huge cock push against her back. She didn’t want him inside her again, causing her to have those humiliating orgasms, each one a guilty betrayal of Dave.

When Reggie opened the door, Christy bolted from him. She knew all too well from previous experience where his monstrous penis would soon be if she didn’t get away.

Christy’s flight caught Reggie off guard and it took him a moment to react. “Oh no you don’t,” he hissed as her garment slipped from his grasp and distance between them grew.

She reached her bedroom and slammed the door shut with him close behind.

A second more might have been enough time for Christy to set the lock and call 911. But Reggie had already turned the knob. Her feet slid along the hardwood floor unable to gain purchase as she attempted holding the door closed with all the weight of her petite body against it.

“Don’t touch me you disgusting pig!” she screamed as Reggie entered her bedroom.

Reggie wrestled her into bed and tried to climb on top of her. “That no way to talk to your boyfriend, baby.”

She knew the susceptibility of his huge, sperm-filled gonads from previously caressing them while giving him oral sex. They were the source of his abnormal sex drive. She was not going to play his sick games, act like his girlfriend, pretend to love him anymore. It was time to give his big heavy balls a different sensation to get him away from her.

Reggie’s humongous scrotum should have been an easy target for Christy, but somehow, her foot missed it. He averted her kick and angrily punched her in the gut like the first times he had taken her.

The blow incapacitated Christy, her hands holding her stomach as she gasped for air.

“You want it rough today, baby? I thought you was smarter than this, and that you had learned by now. You know you gonna take me one way or another.”

While Christy heaved for air, Reggie savagely undressed her. He tossed her sandals from her soft, manicured feet and unbuttoned her khakis.

Her hands unsuccessfully clutched the waistband of her pants, but Reggie roughly jerked them down as they slipped from her grasp.

“Oh, yeah, you gonna get lots of loving from me now.” He swiftly ripped her shirt completely off, leaving her scantily clad in her blue silk bra and bikini panties. “You wear these sexy panties for me today, baby?”

“No, I wore them for Dave,” Christy whispered hoarsely.

Once again, Dave missed seeing his wife in her incredibly sexy lingerie. How could that white boy be so gullible? While he slaved at his menial job to earn a couple bucks each day, his beautiful wife was home getting tapped by the big black stud he foolishly let move in with them, Reggie thought.

Dave had allowed Reggie, a stranger, into their home without even a background check. The fool left Christy alone with Reggie every day, practically inviting him to ravish her perfect body. Dave deserved to lose his gorgeous wife to a nigger for being stupid.

After all these weeks that dumb white boy was still clueless how each day his once faithful wife was home getting her pussy drilled by a big black cock that was slowly winning her over.

Reggie removed Christy’s bra and kneaded her perky tits before his hand glided down the light skin of her smooth, firm tummy and slid inside her panties.

Christy bawled. “Please… no, not again. No more.”

“Oh, yes, we doing it again, baby, and we gonna keep doing it until you like it. You gonna cum for your black boyfriend. Don’t cry about it. I’m gonna love you, baby.” His fingers resumed delicately stroking her clitoris, still somewhat tumescent from his attentions a short while ago and about to be returned to a fully engorged state.

Reggie wanted her clitoris good and stiff, hard like an 18-year-old’s cock about to blow a load. He liked making her clitoris that way and relieving it by making her cum hard, making her experience a perversion of love where the intense pleasure that coursed through her veins — in spite of her every desire to remain faithful to the man she loved, Dave — came from the man she had hated instead.

Christy’s vagina became wet and the embarrassing sounds of Reggie’s fingers dancing in her dampness returned. He spoke soothingly to help quell her angst while fingering her rapidly firming clit.

“I told you things would be easier if you do what I say and stop resisting. I love you and I wanna be nice to you. Do my homeboys need to visit your relatives? Maybe your sweet old grandma in Springfield? If you don’t cooperate it’ll happen. We can do this the hard way if you want. It’s up to you.”

Christy stopped gasping for air, catching most of her breath. “I know Reggie… I’m sorry… You win… I’ll be good now… I’ll do what you want. I’m your girlfriend and I love you, okay? I want your big black cock inside me. Don’t hurt my family.”

Reggie smiled at his victory. Christy couldn’t fight it. She tried being a tiger, but he made her purr like a pussycat. “That’s a better attitude, baby. I gonna make it feel real good for you. Don’t resist no more. I don’t wanna be mean again. I wanna love you.”

He masturbated her, and she desperately wished this horrible act he kept performing wouldn’t feel good, but it did. “No… don’t…ooh…please.”

“Uh-huh, yeah, just like that. Oh, that feeling nice now, huh? Reggie know how to touch it for you.”

“Ooh…no… stop it.”

“Stop it? But it feel good there, don’t it? We just getting started, baby. You know our rule. You gotta cum before we stop.”

Christy tried ignoring the feeling from her pussy, fought to gather her thoughts. “No, please don’t make me do that again, Reggie. I’m married to Dave and this is wrong. You can’t keep doing this to us — to me. He thinks you’re his friend.”

“I don’t care about Dave, baby. I love you and I gotta have you. But if you really care about him, you’ll quit fighting me. If you don’t give me what I want, something bad gonna happen to him. You be nice now and let me have what I want so I don’t have to hurt your family.”

His hand still inside her panties, Reggie observed Christy become tense, her eyes fill with a dreamy haze, and her mouth gape as his fingers finessed her engorged clit.

She was cumming for him.

He loved watching Christy helplessly lay there having an orgasm he knew she didn’t want, betraying her husband again with the black man she hated — the black man her stupid husband had let move in with them.

“Please… no… stop,” Christy mewled. She didn’t want it to feel good and futilely fought not to orgasm.

“That’s it, baby, keep cumming for me. It feels good, don’t it?” Reggie whispered in her ear as he continued masturbating her. Amused by her reflexes, he played with her like a toy and caused her to climax. He manipulated Christy like a puppet, Reggie the puppet master mercilessly pulling strings.

Christy knew it was wrong, but like an itchy nose unable to avoid a violent sneezing fit, she couldn’t stop herself from cumming. Deep beneath tidal waves of pleasure, frustrating and conflicting thoughts swam in her mind: Oh, god, I don’t want to do this for him. Please let me stop. Oh, ooh, but my pussy feels so good, uh-huh. Oh, I’m going to cum again.

Reggie took his time masturbating Christy. Her beautifully manicured fingers clasped around his wrist but were unable to pull his hand out of her panties. Her pull on his wrist lessened, her eyes glazed over, and her mouth opened as if trying to find words for something beyond expression as she came. Why let her miss out on so much pleasure when he easily made her have more of it? Dave would be gone for two weeks. This situation was perfect.

She recovered from her orgasm and looked at Reggie with her beautiful blue eyes. “Okay, you made me cum, now please stop. I’m married and this is wrong.” She pulled on his wrist. There had to be some spark of compassion somewhere inside him, she thought.

He wouldn’t stop and Christy felt another embarrassing orgasm nearing. “Oh, no, please, Reggie… don’t, no more.”

Reggie watched her eyes become dreamy again and her tension grow. Paralyzed by another pleasure wave, she released his wrist and allowed his fingers to work unhindered.

She couldn’t stop herself. Her hips rose to meet his strokes.

“That’s it, baby. Let it happen. Let me love you, be nice to you and treat you right.” He took the opportunity to pull down her briefs.

Christy was on the verge of what promised to be an atomic orgasm when Reggie removed his hand from her pussy and quickly undressed. His fantastically large cock sprang out from his boxers like an exaggerated appendage on an anime character.

He pulled her to the edge of the bed, grabbed her knees and spread her legs to better access the delicate flower between them. Gently, his black fingers separated her soft, pink pedals made wet, engorged, and highly sensitized by his prior stroking.

He had made her body so responsive that she hardly protested his invasive actions, what he had said to her moments ago echoing in her brain: he wants to love me, be nice to me, and treat me right. She was so close to cumming, and she couldn’t stop that horrible thought from replaying in her head: I’m his girlfriend and I love him. His big black cock feels so good in my pussy.

Before Christy regained her senses to resist, Reggie positioned himself at her saturated entrance, massaging her sensitive clitoris with the head of his penis.

Christy was filled with contradictions. Highly aroused, the primitive part of her brain demanded sex with Reggie, while the evolved section felt guilt, feared pregnancy, wanted anything that lessened intimacy with this horrible man that she should have hated. Even a thin latex barrier would prevent the continued contact of their genitals and would be better than nothing. “I’m your girlfriend and I love you, Reggie. But can you wear a condom for me this time? I know it feels better without them, but I don’t want to get pregnant. I haven’t had sex with Dave in over a month, and it won’t take him nine months to know I cheated. He’ll know about us if I have your baby, Reggie. We can use his rubbers.”

It was starting to sink in, Reggie thought. Christy said she was his girlfriend and loved him without being coached this time. She even admitted a preference for not using barrier protection, and only wanted to use it so her husband wouldn’t find out that Reggie was fucking her. He really knew how to get into a girl’s head and mess with her. Now Christy needed to be rewarded for having the proper attitude and saying the right things to him. Her good behavior warranted reinforcement.

Reggie never used condoms. But he knew there was no way Dave’s rubbers could fit him anyway. He replied tenderly to Christy. “I love you too, baby. I’ll always be your boyfriend and take care of you. Since you asking nicely and doing what I want, I’ll wear a rubber for you this time, but you put it on me, okay?”

“Okay, Reggie. I can put it on you,” she gratefully replied. She fumbled to open the packet. She had watched Dave put on condoms, but she had never put one on a man’s penis herself before.

Reggie moved up and straddled her chest, his thick, brown meat reaching Christy’s nose. She nervously tried to get the elastic membrane to cover his cock. But the rubbers, which easily fit her husband, did not come close to Reggie’s size.

She held his cock with both hands while trying to put the rubber on him and appreciated his penis more it seemed. Up close she noticed its beauty — how thick, firm and warm it felt. It was so massive and hard, yet the skin felt soft and smooth. Large veins ran along its dark shaft. This once revolting man with his ridiculously huge appendage was beginning appeal to her. Why did part of her desire to suck on his cock while caressing his huge balls? Had he made her do these awful things to him so often that they were becoming habitual? I’m your girlfriend and I love you. I want your big black cock. The phrases played in her mind like songs she had heard too many times.

“I’m sorry, baby, I didn’t think they would fit me. I ain’t found rubbers my size yet.”

It had to fit, she thought.

Reggie watched sparkles fly from the tiny diamond in Christy’s engagement ring as her dainty white fingers frantically gripped his humongous brown dick. “I can’t wait much longer, baby. My balls ache”.

“Please, Reggie — I almost have it.”

Christy reluctantly let go of his penis as he removed it from her grasp and returned to her pussy. “We tried, baby, but my balls hurt too much and I can’t wait no longer. I got to take care of this now. I promise I’ll pull out if you don’t fight it and love me back nicely this time.”

Reggie parted her labia and placed the head of his dick at her opening.

Christy dropped the unused rubber, she had tried unsuccessfully to put on him, somewhere on the floor as Reggie eased into her.

“Ow… please, oh… no… you’re going in too quickly this time, Reggie. Oh.”

He carefully pushed his length into her. “Hush, it gonna be okay. I gotta put it all inside you now, baby. You made me wait too long trying to put that stupid rubber on me. I can’t hold back. You feel too good.”

Christy’s faces of discomfort entertained Reggie. He watched her twist the sheets in her fists as his penis contacted places deep inside her.

“Ow, it hurts, it hurts, Reggie. Please, slower…oh — no more.”

“You showing me how much you love me by how much of me you taking. Oh, yeah, that’s it. You really my girlfriend now. I’m all inside you. Say what I want to hear baby.”

“Ow, oh, okay, I love you. Oh, I’m your girlfriend, but it hurts.”

“You know it only gonna hurt for a little while, then you gonna start liking it, baby.”

He was right. Her vaginal muscles began adjusting to his size, her pain abating. She wanted Reggie to cum quickly and finish with her. But she was already familiar with Reggie’s rare talent, which Dave lacked, of controlling his orgasms, of making her cum multiple times and humiliating her.

Reggie could go for almost an entire hour without cumming, even with his golf-ball sized testicles that produced excessive sperm. Eventually, his cock would erupt like a violent gusher. After a short recovery, he would be ready again. If only Dave had listened to her and not let this sex monster move into their home, Christy thought.

Christy tried ignoring the sensations from Reggie’s cock, questioning to herself why Dave went to Amarillo and left her alone with him. How could he be so stupid and allow this strange black man into their home in the first place? It was Dave’s fault this was happening to her and she was having intercourse with Reggie all the time.

Reggie astutely read Christy’s emotions. She still disliked having sex with him, although not as much as when he first began fucking her. She became slightly more comfortable with their relationship, to having unprotected intercourse with him, the more he forced her to do it with him. With a little more time, she would be entirely his.

“Put your arms around me and start hugging me, baby. You know what I like and what to do. I don’t want to send my homeboys to Amarillo to see Dave because his wife’s being a cold bitch with her boyfriend. I’ll pull out this time if you nice.”

“You promise you’ll pull out?”

“Uh-huh, baby. You know I love you.”

It pained her to do this to Dave — to betray him, but she was also doing it for Dave — to protect him. Christy’s arm glided around Reggie’s broad shoulder, while her other hand slid down his strong back and grasped his muscular buttock. “Oh, oh, Reggie — no. This isn’t right. Ah… ah… ooh. Stop making me do this with you all the time. Oh… oh… no… don’t make me do this to Dave.”

“Don’t worry. We not doing nothing wrong to Dave. If he don’t know about us, it won’t hurt him. Oh, yeah, baby… you feel so good. You doing the right thing for Dave and your family. You protecting them. Just keep quiet about me. I’ll take care of you and your family. I’ll make you happy. Now tell me you my girlfriend, that you love me and that it feels good.”

“Oh, ooh, okay Reggie. Ah, ooh, I promise I won’t say anything. Ooh, ooh, just don’t hurt them, ooh. Oh, I’m your girlfriend. Ah, I love you. Ah, oh, oh, uh-huh, it feels so good. Oh, your cock is so big. It’s so deep inside me. Oh god.”

She began sounding convincing to Reggie. But was she just appeasing him?

“Oh, that feels good. Oh, uh-huh, oh Reggie, I can’t… I can’t keep doing this with you.” Christy murmured.

Reggie smiled as Christy’s body tensed and her pussy pulsated. Her hand squeezed his ass cheek and she pulled him to her. Her hug strengthened, and her moans reached a higher pitch. “Ah, aah, aah, aah, oh, uh-huh, aah…”

Her body confirmed what her lips professed because her pussy always told him the truth. “Does my big black cock feel good in your pussy? You starting to like it more, baby? That’s-a-girl. Don’t fight it. Cum for me.”

Christy gave in to her body. Her anger and shame were washed away by tidal waves of ecstasy.

“I’m gonna cum soon too, baby.”

His unexpected announcement abruptly interrupted Christy’s sexual musings. She stared into Reggie’s eyes. “Please pull out; don’t cum in me this time. I did what you wanted.”

He surprised her. Christy felt Reggie’s thick long cock pulling out of her. She raised herself up on her elbows and watched his penis fire white, gooey jism all over her body in rapid succession, like a fully automatic machine gun, raining warm semen on her face, tits and in her belly button.

Reggie wiped his cock along Christy’s engorged clitoris, causing her to make involuntary coital movements.

His penis was dangerously close to entering her again, with cum still shooting from its tip. “No, don’t put it there,” she whimpered to him.

He ignored her, teased her, and ran the head of his cock along her pink folds, leaving a trail of semen all over Christy’s pussy, aware of how aroused and responsive she remained.

He rubbed his cum into her smooth white skin. He scooped the puddle of his spooge out of her belly button and spread it all along her tummy. He proceeded up to her tits and used the slippery spunk on her erect nipples. He collected the last of it that had landed on her face and rubbed some of it on her lips. “Show me how much you love me and swallow it for me.”

Christy opened her mouth for Reggie as if under some sort of spell and allowed his thumb to place a glob of semen on her tongue. It wasn’t the first time she swallowed him. But her dislike for him was abating, perhaps due to the frequent physical contact they kept having with each other, combined with lack of attention from Dave.

Dave was gone, and Christy felt like he had abandoned her. She had wanted to avoid this situation, but for the next two weeks Reggie was going to be here alone with her and there was little she could do about it. Perhaps she needed to just accept what that meant. Reggie was kind to her when she complied with his wishes. He even withdrew this time before he came. He had bought her expensive lingerie and gifts and kept telling her that he loved her.

She was unable to conceal how aroused he made her and there was no use trying to deny it anymore either. They had experienced each other’s passion, which made them intimate partners. The things he had made her repeat to him every time they fucked seemed to linger in her mind — I’m his girlfriend and I love him.


In the evening they entered the shower together, Christy glancing at Reggie’s enormous penis, which remained flaccid. Their break from sex allowed her thoughts to clear.

She recalled how they started fornicating today, Reggie fondling her in the car after she dropped Dave off. All the sex and orgasms seemed like a long, wet dream.

In the shower, Reggie observed streams of water flowing down Christy’s fair skin. He took the wash cloth and began bathing her. His attentions went from her perky breasts, to her soft cunt and cute ass.

In the confines of the shower, Reggie’s huge cock touched Christy numerous times. Fortunately, his penis remained dormant despite the contact it made with her and she avoided further intercourse with him.

Reggie toweled Christy dry. They both stood naked facing each other when her phone rang. She answered it. “Hi, Dave, how was your trip to Amarillo.”


Christy still stared at Reggie when she ended the call from Dave. Reggie held out a pink thong and matching bra he found in her dresser. They were undergarments from Victoria’s Secret she had bought to wear for Dave on a special occasion that had never arrived. “Don’t know where you hiding all the sexy things I bought you to wear for me, but these look nice too. Put them on for me, baby.”

She had no choice. After slipping on the sexy undergarments, she went to her closet.

“What you going in there for?” Reggie asked.

“I need to put something else on.”

“You not wearing anything else, baby. You beautiful and you got enough on. I want to see your gorgeous body. You can either sleep in those or in the nude tonight. I’ll see you tomorrow morning and you best not have anything else on but that.”

Exhausted from their long day of sex, Christy went to bed in the risqué undergarments Reggie had selected. The nightly visions of his tremendous cock, of her pussy drilled by it over, and over again, played in her mind like a pornographic gif file before she entered deep slumber. But the same images returned in a dream the next morning when Christy’s journey into forgetful nothingness ended and she entered lighter sleep.

Sometime in the middle of the night, he must have crawled into bed with her. Christy awoke in Reggie’s embrace, his hand on her breast. She could feel his enormous erection against her hip. She could not tell for certain if they had more unprotected sex during the night, but her panties were still on. She would have woken if they had fucked, she thought.

The late-morning sunlight filtered through her closed curtains and into her bedroom. She had slept for over 12 hours. She usually never slept this long. Christy carefully tried to ease away from Reggie’s hold without waking him.

His right hand left her breast and slid down her smooth, firm tummy. He took in a deep breath and exhaled with his eyes still closed.

Christy dreaded where Reggie’s hand seemed to be going, but it stopped at the waistband of her thong.

He resumed lightly sleeping.

She remained still. She wanted to sneak out of bed, find the car keys and get away from him. But she still didn’t know where she would go.

She had allowed things to go too far for too long. Sex with him was becoming consensual. She was in bed sleeping with him, wearing a thong from Victoria’s Secret. How could she have let this happen?

Christy felt trapped. She loved Dave and didn’t want to be taken by Reggie anymore. The same haunting question persisted: what if she became pregnant? She was unsure of her cycle and didn’t recall exactly when she started her last period.

She tried slowly rolling on her side without waking Reggie. But, his hand held her firmly and would not let her move.

He was awake. His hand went into Christy’s thong where she feared it would go all along.

“Please… no. I can’t keep doing this with you, Reggie. We’re taking too many chances and I could get pregnant. Don’t make me have sex again.” Her fingers wrapped around his wrist and tried stopping him.

Reggie’s morning erection begged him for relief. “Don’t worry, baby. Treat me nice, act like you my girlfriend, like you love me, and I’ll take it out before I cum, just like I did yesterday. You know what I want you to do.” His fingers explored her folds and located her clitoris.

“Please, Reggie, no, not again. We can’t do this without contraception.” Christy sobbed.

Reggie knew her tears would pass. She was already wet for him. She loved having her clit stroked, and it would soon bring her around.

He masturbated Christy until her cries became faint moans. He moved the thin silk strip of her thong aside, carefully stretched her glistening labia open and placed the head of his cock to her moist pink opening.

“Please, Reggie, no more. Dave and I have been using condoms because we can’t afford a baby right now, and you keep doing this to me without any protection.”

“I can’t help it, baby. My hard-ons hurt real bad in the morning, and I need you to help me relieve this one. You know I love you. That’s why my dick keeps getting this way. It does this because of you. You the one that make it hard like this. I promise I’ll take it out before I cum.”

“Can’t I just play with it and suck on it for you this time?”

She had learned well and had become adept at giving him head and stroking his penis the way he liked. But nothing was as good as a white girl’s tight pussy in the morning. He would let her suck on his cock later, perhaps, but he wanted to fuck her now.

It was like Reggie didn’t hear her. She felt him spreading her vaginal lips with his fingers and inserting his penis into her vagina anyway. “Ooh, ooh, ah, just for a little while then, okay, Reggie?”

He still didn’t respond to Christy. He just went deeper inside her.

Christy wished Dave’s condoms had fit Reggie. Still uneasy about their genitals making direct contact, she became ever more complicit to having sex with him and accustomed to the enhanced sensations his larger penis gave to her with it uncovered. Dave’s penis was small in comparison, and he had always worn condoms to avoid impregnating her.

“Oh, no, Reggie, I can’t.” But what once had seemed impossible was now reality. She had fully adapted to him as her lover. She was cumming already, his big unsheathed cock rubbing so many places so perfectly and filling her completely. His depth brought her indescribable closeness to him, an intimacy she had never attained with Dave, like nothing else she had experienced in her life. It was why she, like so many other women, now preferred a black man.

Christy’s mouth hung agape and her fingers dug into Reggie’s muscular chest as she slipped into euphoria.

He began gyrating his hips and grinding up against her clitoris. “Tell me how that feel, baby.”

“Ooh, ooh, ooh, please,” she moaned as his cock filled her. She tried to deny him any response but couldn’t help herself any longer — “Oh god, it feels good like that. Oh, yes, right there. Ooh, Reggie…”

She was finally admitting it, even if unintentionally, Reggie mused while enjoying the wonderful sensation of burying his cock in her.

Christy lay beneath his large frame, instinctively responding to the presence of his enormous penis deep inside her pussy. She wrapped her arms around his back and locked her legs around his ass — without being threatened or forced by him — exactly the way he had made her unwillingly practice before.

Her pussy contracted rhythmically, as if trying to encourage him to ejaculate as much semen into her as possible. She became a little more complaisant and responsive for Reggie each time they fucked, and now she was practically his.

Dave allowed Reggie to move in with them and do this to her. Reggie had said he loved her. He had promised to pull out of her pussy before he came this time. All she had to do was act like she loved him, like she wanted him, like his real girlfriend, and treat him nicely. But she would only pretend, Christy rationalized to herself as her excitement built. She began to orgasm again, and Reggie stuck his tongue in her mouth. He kissed her while she came for him.

After a moment of indulgence Christy turned her face away, as if awakening from a trance and realizing what she was doing. “No, Reggie, I can’t do this with you.”

Reggie grabbed her chin and forced his tongue back in her mouth.

She arched her back, then her arms softly embraced him again. “Mm-mph, mmmm. Oh, I’m cumming, Reggie. I’m your girlfriend and I love you. Mmmm.”

Although still in denial, she was not acting anymore. The kiss and the hug were real. Christy had surrendered and accepted the intimacy with him that she had fought against for so long. She was in midst of orgasm, their genitals already shared fluids, so what difference did the kiss and all the rest of it make anymore?

“I’m gonna cum too, baby. You wanna swallow it and show me how much you love me?”

It was better to swallow his cum than risk the alternative and unwanted pregnancy. “Uh-huh, I want to suck on it and taste you. Please let me suck your cock, Reggie.”

Reggie extracted his long, wet cock from her.

Christy got on her knees and placed the head of his penis in her mouth. She gripped his shaft in her soft fingers and began slowly pumping it. His cock began squirting its rich cream. She swallowed mouthfuls of his cum. “Mmm, oh, mmm, mmm.”

With one hand holding Reggie’s enormous shaft, she ran her lips up and down it the way he had taught her, while her other hand lifted his scrotum and gently fondled his big, heavy testicles.

Yesterday morning, she had tried to kick his testicles in what was her final attempt to end her sexual subjugation. But she had suffered crushing defeat to him in that battle, and today she was a conquered woman rightfully caressing his hefty, sperm-filled gonads for him instead. Residual cum trickled down his shaft and over her hand like melted wax running down a candle, before her tongue licked it up and returned to the head of his cock.

With eyes closed and mouth agape, she affectionately held his massive black penis, longer than her entire head in length, against her creamy white cheek and sighed. “Oh, Reggie, you came so much this time. Does it feel better now?”

“Oh, yeah, that felt good, baby. Thank you. My balls ached and I needed to cum bad. You relieved it. I love you.”

“Oh, I love you too,” Christy absently replied, not quite realizing what she was saying to him anymore in this moment of passion.

Alone on the bed as he showered, Christy came to her senses and wondered how much longer this might continue. Would Reggie ever leave her alone? She couldn’t run from him or stop him, and she couldn’t tell her husband or the police anymore, especially after admitting to Reggie that he felt good and that she loved him.

But she didn’t mean any of those things she had said, she admonished herself. It was only an act. Reggie had made her say them. She would never betray Dave like that. She hated herself for not fighting harder to stop Reggie; for repeatedly having intercourse with him. But part of her also hated Dave for letting all of this happen to her.

She saw the open rubber she had dropped yesterday still on the floor. Dave might notice it missing when he returned. She needed to replace it and find a larger size for Reggie to use with her. Unprotected sex with Reggie was like playing Russian Roulette with a fully loaded gun. He ejaculated so profusely that he could probably make a woman pregnant by liking her on Facebook.


Still without her keys, Christy accompanied Reggie as he drove her car into town.

“What do you need at the store?” he asked her.

Christy turned to Reggie, her beautiful blue eyes meeting his. “I need to replace Dave’s condom that we tried to use yesterday, or he might find out about us.”

Did her answer confirm acceptance of their sexual relationship and was she seeking to protect it by keeping it a secret from Dave? The possibility brought a smile to Reggie’s face. Perhaps he had given her enough black dick to finally bring her around. “I know where to go, baby.”

Reggie took Christy to a pharmacy in his old neighborhood. Once near their destination, he parked Christy’s car on the side of the street a couple of blocks from the store. The two walked the rest of the way.

Christy didn’t like this part of town filled with abandoned buildings that were covered in strange graffiti that marked the territories of rivaling street gangs. The dark faces of African-Americans were everywhere and they all seemed to stare at her. She was the minority here. A few people recognized Reggie behind the sunglasses and baseball cap he wore, greeting him like a local hero.

Once inside the pharmacy, Reggie led Christy to the contraceptives.

She located Dave’s brand of condoms, and then searched for a size large enough for Reggie. Christy found herself in a dilemma. Purchasing condoms for Reggie seemed like she was consenting to sex with him. But if she didn’t purchase the rubbers and things continued, she risked pregnancy. Neither choice was desirable.

She pulled Dave’s brand of condoms from the shelf and the largest size she could find for Reggie.

“The smallest and largest rubbers we sell,” the elderly black pharmacist commented beneath his breath. He rang up Christy’s purchases, taking special notice of the Magnum size XXXL condoms before bagging them. Observing the wedding band on her finger and Reggie standing with a smile that reached both ears right behind her, he chuckled. He knew who the Magnum XXXLs were for, and they sure as hell weren’t for her honky husband.

“I’ll pay for those,” Reggie offered.

Christy’s eyes grew wide when she saw the enormous bundle of hundred-dollar-bills Reggie pulled from his pocket.


It seemed like the longest movie she had ever watched on Netflix. She sat on the couch cuddled with Reggie, very conscious of his arm draped around her shoulders. She wasn’t his girlfriend; she was Dave’s wife. But Dave wasn’t here to prevent any of this from happening. It felt wrong petting with Reggie. Even though they had had sex numerous times before, part of her still wanted to tell him not to touch her.

“I’m tired. I think I’ll go to go to bed now,” she announced, rising from the couch and escaping from his overly affectionate arm when the movie finally ended. She couldn’t even remember what the film was about because she had talked and made out with Reggie so much during it. She briefly noticed the huge bulge that had formed in his pants again. Had she given him another painful hard-on? Perhaps he could relieve it himself tonight.

“Christy,” he called as she had started walking away from him.

She turned and thought she saw a compassion in his eyes she had never noticed in them before.

“I know you think I’m a monster. I’ve had to do some bad things, but I’m not a bad person. I’m very kind to my friends and those I love. I can take care of you. I’m sorry for the way things started out with us, but I wanted you so badly. You just need to accept me as your boyfriend and be my girlfriend. I’ll always be nice to you if you nice to me, okay?”

She didn’t know what to say to him. It was late and she was tired. She forced a smile. “Okay,” she softly replied and went to her room.

Christy’s thoughts briefly kept her awake as she lay in bed waiting for sleep. She didn’t need the condoms she had bought for Reggie yet; she did not have intercourse with him since that morning. Instead of having sex again, they had talked about a lot of things, and it seemed like maybe they had a better understanding of each other. But after all their heavy petting on the couch during that long movie, would he find his way into her bed this evening? She had left him with another erection and it was probably hurting him again…

After a few hours, the amnesia of deep sleep faded, and erotic images of Reggie’s huge cock occupied her slumber. She thought she was having a recurring wet dream. But she awoke with Reggie beside her and his hand inside her panties working her clitoris.

While she was unconscious, Reggie had brought her close to orgasm. She was wet and aroused.

“Reggie, I can’t keep doing this with you.” But she raised her hips, betraying herself.

Reggie slid her silk panties down her legs and lost them in the sheets as she lay completely naked. At least she was ready for him, she thought. She reached for the box of Magnum XXXL condoms sitting on her nightstand and timidly handed one to him.

“What the hell is this for?”

“For me, please use it.”

Reggie took the condom from her and tossed it across the room. “Sorry, baby, I love you too much to use that.”

“What? But you said you would wear one for me yesterday, Reggie.”

“Yesterday was different, a one-shot deal, and Dave’s rubber didn’t fit me. I told you before that you special to me and it feels much better without them. I want us feel each other because I love you, baby.”

He kept saying that he loved her, but did he mean it? “I know it feels better, Reggie. But this is wrong, and we need to use protection. You know I’m married to Dave and we shouldn’t be doing this with each other.”

While she was speaking, Reggie inserted his uncovered penis into her as he had done many times previously, male and female reproductive organs representing their two races intermingling, their fluids mixing. And she felt all of him keenly, no barriers between them.

Part of Christy was glad Reggie refused the condom. She had started liking sex with him and he was right — it was much better without rubbers. Deep down, she preferred the intimacy even if another part of her knew better.

“I’m married. If we don’t stop, I’ll get pregnant and then Dave will know about us.”

Reggie ignored her briefly and continued thrusting his massive black phallus into her slippery pink opening before reassuring her. “I promise you won’t get pregnant, baby. But don’t worry. I’ll take good care of you if anything happens. I love you.”

“Oh,” Christy exclaimed, now thoroughly familiar with Reggie’s huge unprotected cock creating delightful sensations far too intense to refuse. She was married to Dave, but his small size could never pleasure her like this. She didn’t know how or why she acquired this intense desire for a large penis.

“You know what I want you to say to me, so say it, baby.”

“Oh, ah, okay Reggie, I’m your girlfriend and I love you. I want your big cock all the way inside me.”

“Keep repeating it like a good girl.”

Moonlight poured in through the window and Reggie watched Christy writhe beneath him, drained of her willpower and surrendering to her instincts.

“Oh, oh, please. I’m your girlfriend. Oh, I love you. Ah, I mustn’t… oh. I’m your girlfriend; I love you. You feel so good inside me. I can’t.”

Reggie knew that like all women, Christy liked to cum; and nothing made a woman cum more than a big black cock. Make a woman cum enough times on a big black cock, and she would become addicted to it like the drugs he peddled. He put his mouth over her lips and his long tongue found its way down her throat, silencing her dying resistance.

Christy made muffled cries of erotic passion into his mouth as her soft hands, that briefly pushed against his brown, muscular pecs, slid around him and embraced him, the mantra he had made her learn replaying in her mind: I am his girlfriend and I love him. His cock feels so good in me. “Mmmm.”

She unconsciously locked her legs around Reggie’s ass again, the way he had taught her.

How would Dave react if he saw his beautiful wife behaving this way? Reggie wondered as Christy rutted beneath him with his big black cock. If Dave only knew how Reggie seduced her — how he spoiled her pussy with repeated force-feedings of grade “A” negro dick until she hungered for it.

Reggie felt Christy’s silky pussy throbbing around his black baby maker. Her hips twisted and turned, rose and fell in reply to his thrusts as their bodies communicated pleasure to each other. She wasn’t too good for niggers anymore it seemed.

Reggie finally removed his tongue from her mouth. “I gonna cum soon, baby. You want to suck on it again?”

Christy had lost control and could not stop grinding her pussy into Reggie’s cock. “Oh… ah… nah,” she nonsensically heaved. “Ooh, ah, I’m your girlfriend and I love you. Your big cock is so deep inside me,” she unconsciously repeated without answering his question.

Reggie ejaculated copiously.

Her pussy milked his cock as if every bit of sperm was precious genetic material she needed from him.

She no longer cared that Reggie filled her with his cum. The more they fucked, the better Reggie felt. She could not resist him anymore. She wanted him to stay inside her forever.

In the bright moonlight, extremely wet and messy from lovemaking, Christy observed how beautifully their two bodies contrasted: Reggie’s hard, muscles, her toned yet gentle curves; his dark complexion, her fair skin. They complemented each other perfectly, it seemed — like the moon in the night sky.

Dave didn’t ever have to know about Reggie. Reggie could have her when Dave was away. Exhausted from their wild sex, and now secure in Reggie’s embrace, she drifted back to sleep having completed the transition from a rape victim to a consenting adulterous partner.


Outside the house the early morning sun had silenced the evening conversations of the crickets. The moans from love-making that had occurred between Christy and Reggie much of the night had also ceased. In that quiet interval before the birds had yet to begin their early songs, light slowly replaced the sleepy darkness in Christy’s bedroom, causing her to wake.

Her pussy felt all crusty from Reggie’s dried spunk. How could she keep doing this with him? It wasn’t an act she performed for him to protect her family anymore. She had allowed herself to really become his girlfriend.

Christy turned her head to find Reggie lying beside her, staring at her with his eyes wide open.

His hand glided down her tummy and between her legs. “Good morning, baby. My cock is hard again and aches real bad.”

His cock was hard and hurt him badly every morning and all the time it seemed. Christy couldn’t believe his sex drive. How could he possibly be horny again after having so much sex with her practically all night until just a few hours ago?

Her Grandpa used to call black men jungle bunnies. She always thought it a racist term. But she never had a relationship with a black man before Reggie. Perhaps it was an accurate description if all black men were this virile, she thought.

Like Pavlov’s dog, Christy became wet from Reggie’s suggestion.

“I shouldn’t have sex with you again.”

Reggie rolled on his back and pulled her onto him. “Get on top and put my cock in your pussy like a good girl. We gonna do things the other way around and you gonna make love to me today.”

Christy didn’t want to make love to him, but she didn’t have a choice it seemed. She slithered on to Reggie’s muscular frame.

“Now put my cock in your pussy.”

She reached down and fed his shaft into her slit, slowly impaling herself on it. “Tell me when you’re going to cum, okay Reggie?”

Once she took him fully inside her, he firmly grabbed her hips with his large hands and guided her pelvic movements until she instinctively took over. She leaned forward against his hard body and her erect nipples poked into his chest.

“That’s good, girl,” Reggie encouraged. “Oh I love you, baby.”

“Oh, I love you too, Reggie.”

He watched their reflection in the mirror which hung on her bedroom wall across from them, and observed the beautiful curves of Christy’s smooth, firm, buttocks — her perfectly shaped ass humping his slick, black rod. He could see the pink membranes of her labia clinging to his dark cock when her pussy rose, only to disappear when it slid down his shaft again.

The entire situation seemed surreal to Christy. A few weeks ago, she had never thought about being with another person besides Dave. Now she was fucking this incredible black man with an insanely large penis.

“Oh my God, oh,” Christy moaned as her eyes rolled in their sockets. Her orgasms approached so quickly with him. Dave never made her cum like this.

The phone rang, jerking Christy back to reality. It must be Dave calling before work, she thought. She started to lift herself off Reggie; but, the black stud placed his hands firmly around her hips and forced her back down.

“Don’t stop until we finished, baby. Keep making love to me.” He reached for her phone, answering it with Christy slowly sliding up and down on his cock.

Christy prayed it wasn’t Dave calling.

“Hi Dave, how you doing?” Reggie asked.

Christy’s heart pounded in her chest as she heard Reggie say her husband’s name. Reggie’s cock was in her pussy because of Dave’s stupidity. He was so naïve, unwittingly chatting on the phone with Reggie while Reggie was doing this with her.

But Reggie had been fucking her for weeks and Dave never suspected a thing. What did he think they were doing alone together in the house every day? He never questioned the excuses she gave him for the marks Reggie left on her; didn’t even notice how often she changed their bed sheets after Reggie moved in, and most hurtful of all, he didn’t seem to miss having sex with her much.

Why wasn’t Dave persistent when she declined his sexual advances? Even her forceful refusals never stopped Reggie from taking her. Reggie desired her more than Dave ever did.

“Fine. You see that Lakers game?” Me neither, buddy.” Reggie grinned at her while listening to Dave on the phone. “I’ve been busy here with school, doing a lot of studying for final exams. Yeah, she right here. Hold on.”

Reggie handed Christy her phone.

Christy looked mortified. How could she speak with Dave while Reggie’s cock was in her pussy — while she was fucking Reggie?

She had no choice but to talk to him.

“Hi Dave, how are you?” she asked.

She struggled to focus on her conversation with Dave and stopped moving her hips. Reggie grabbed her firm ass with both hands, forced her to resume riding on his penis. She quietly listened to her husband on her phone and absently replied to him while she slowly fucked Reggie. “Uh-huh… yea… okay…I guess.”

Reggie parted her ass cheeks and pressed his index finger into her anus. She didn’t want Dave to hear them, so she silently allowed Reggie to proceed. If Dave only knew the type of studying Reggie was doing with her, he would have felt differently about his supposed friend.

“Relax, baby,” Reggie whispered in Christy’s other ear as he pushed his finger deep inside her tight, pink asshole. “You gonna like this.”

“I’m glad Reggie’s there. I’m sure he’ll help if you need anything,” Dave told her.

Dave had no idea what Reggie had been helping her do since he moved in with them — how he made her cum. All the unmentionable things she had been doing with Reggie behind Dave’s back.

Reggie’s finger went all the way up Christy’s anus, with the rest of his hand firmly grasping the crack between her two cheeks. She had never felt anything like having a gigantic cock in her pussy and a large finger working her asshole at the same time. The double penetration was incredible. She was a virgin to anal sex and she didn’t know how erogenous that part of her body could be.

Eager to get off the phone before she or Reggie lost control and moaned, before something was accidentally said that would raise Dave’s suspicions, Christy pretended to have a bad signal. “What’s that honey? Hello? Dave? Can you hear me? If you can hear me, I love you and I’ll call you back later. Bye.”

Christy quickly ended Dave’s call and turned off her phone, so he couldn’t call her back.

“You told him you loved him,” Reggie said to her after she turned her phone off. “Now tell me how much you love me.”

The phone slipped from her hand, landing on the floor next to the bed.

“Oh, Reggie, I’m your girlfriend and I’m showing you how much I love you. I’m fucking you and your cock is in my pussy.” She French-kissed him, her hands running up his body, across his burly chest and around his neck.

She had loved Dave, but somehow this vicious criminal ignited something else in Christy she never experienced before and had resisted — something stronger and more primitive than her love for Dave.

She had fought against it, the lust Reggie kept planting and refueling within her. But overcome by his frequent attacks, sparks finally turned to flames, a distasteful but predictable result of their repeated physical interaction. She had been left unprotected for this alpha male to take numerous times. He bought her expensive gifts, loved her, promised to take care of her. What they did together often, though against Christy’s will, was intimate and ultimately caused her to develop inappropriate feelings for this dangerous and powerful gangster.


Dave reclined in his comfortable living room chair, sipping another beer and watching the Cowboys play against the Dolphins with Reggie. “It’s good to be back, buddy. I missed seeing the games while I was in Amarillo.”

Sharing their home with Reggie turned out to be a good arrangement that allowed them to keep their house, Dave thought. And Reggie was a great roommate.

But Reggie received a far better bargain from Dave than Dave realized. Not only did Reggie get to keep a low profile and live in Dave’s nice house for ridiculously little money, but he also got to fuck Dave’s incredibly gorgeous wife on a frequent basis, without Dave suspecting a thing.

Dave didn’t notice the subtle changes that occurred between his wife and Reggie — how much friendlier they had become; how she sat closer to him on the couch when watching television; how her eyes filled with desire and followed Reggie admiringly when he walked into the room.

Dave knew his wife, and with her conservative upbringing, she would never cheat.

Christy wore red bikini briefs made of silk that Reggie had bought for her to bed that evening. Dave lay beside her, gently rubbing Christy’s shoulders, not realizing the sexy lingerie she wore were gifts from another man she had been fucking. Over the past month-and-a-half Dave had missed having sex with her.

Christy worried that Dave might notice something different about her because of Reggie. Dave put on his condom and began making love to her with what now felt like a little boy’s tiny penis. She recognized how deficient Dave was in size, having been with a man so much larger and stronger than him.

Penis size was important, regardless of what some experts claimed. At least it had become so to her, and Dave simply did not have it. She had acquired a penchant for big black cock because of Reggie. The intimacy of not using condoms had also become a habit for her. She missed the sensation of Reggie’s extra-large, unsheathed penis, his deep penetration, the unity and closeness to him from the combination of these things, and she became frustrated with Dave.

She faked orgasm to conceal her disappointment and finally welcomed Dave’s usual premature ejaculation. “Oh, Baby, you feel so good inside me. You made me cum,” she cried.

Dave thought there was something strange about his wife, although he wasn’t sure what. It seemed to him like maybe her mind was somewhere else tonight. Her pussy felt a little different too. But it had been a while since they made love, and perhaps his memory was off.


Reggie phoned one of his lieutenants with an order. “Hi Byron, how sales going?”

It was a rhetorical question. Demand for illegal drugs was always good and sales were always up, unless there was a major bust.

“Hey dog, I need more of them Sleeping Beauties. I’ve only got a few left,” Reggie added.

Reggie had earned his high-ranking status in the drug trade by never using the garbage he dealt. He had other plans for the pharmaceutical grade compound used medically for anesthesia and on the street, mixed with heroin and a few other naughty substances, as a date rape drug. He went through most of his supply since Dave’s return.

After speaking with Byron and placing his order, Reggie grabbed another beer from the refrigerator and left the kitchen to return to the living room.

Dave sat on his recliner, Christy by herself on the sofa. She briefly noticed how the brown beer bottles Reggie held matched his gorgeous mocha complexion.

Reggie smiled handing Dave the bottle of Michelob he had already opened for him in the kitchen, condensation dripping down the cold glass like beads of sweat. “Here you go, bro. Drink up.”

After bumping bottles with Reggie in a toast, Dave guzzled his third brew.

A little while later, Dave dozed off, the dim glow from the television providing the only light in the room and giving each of their complexions a ghostly appearance.

Christy had fallen asleep as well, her head resting on Reggie’s shoulder. Reggie’s hand rubbed her inner thigh and then stealthily moved to her crotch. He unbuttoned her pants and slid his hand inside her panties.

“Oh, yes, oh, that feels good,” Christy quietly murmured in her sleep. “Oh, I’m your girlfriend and I love you.” She was having a familiar dream about Reggie as he masturbated her. She awoke, grabbed his wrist and tried prying his hand out of her pants.

“No, Reggie. Stop. Not now and not here. Dave will wake up and see us,” she whispered. If Dave woke, there would be confrontation and Reggie might make good on his old threats.

“He ain’t waking up tonight, so don’t you worry about him, baby. I’ve taken care of that.”

Christy wasn’t sure exactly what Reggie meant, but he pulled her onto his lap as if Dave wasn’t there.

Reggie’s fingers moved faster inside Christy’s pants and her face contorted from an orgasm. “No, please stop,” she quietly mewled, Reggie defiantly pulling down her jeans and panties right in front of her husband.

Wet sounds filled the room. They faced Dave with her legs spread open as she straddled Reggie’s lap.

Reggie flashed Dave the pink insides of his wife’s glistening pussy, gingerly separating her labia with his black fingers. Dave, however, peacefully slept, ignorant of all that was occurring in front of him.

How could he just sleep there like that while Reggie molested her right in front of him? How could he let this keep happening to her without ever coming to her rescue? She twisted with discomfort, Reggie’s arm around her thin waist holding her in his lap. Her fidgeting subsided with her next orgasm. Reggie removed Christy’s shirt and bra, his hand sliding to her cute breasts, tweaking her nipples, and his other hand working her quivering pussy.

Christy quietly struggled to stop Reggie, fearful of Dave waking and seeing them, and angry that he kept sleeping and didn’t help her.

Reggie pulled down his gym shorts and placed his enormous, brown cock inside Christy’s tight, pink cunt. Her tiny body writhed on his huge pole, his fingers messaging her engorged clit. His black rod travelled in and out of her tight pink folds. The way his entire cock now fit inside her seemed to defy the laws of physics. Dave peacefully slept, however, while his gorgeous wife was fucked by Reggie in front of him.

She silently squirmed in Reggie’s lap, having orgasms and trying to stop before Dave woke; but Dave slumbered the duration.

Reggie took his time. He grabbed Christy’s chin, turned her face and they French-kissed.

“Mmmm, mmmm,” Christy moaned while his tongue explored her mouth. Her hips began moving with as much determination as his, euphoria bonding them together along with his deep penetration inside her that Dave was incapable of achieving. She didn’t care anymore if Dave saw them. Dave may have slept in front of them presently, but he had been asleep since Reggie moved in with them — all those times he went to work and left her alone and vulnerable with Reggie.

When Reggie came in her pussy, his semen filled her completely, and having no place else to go, flowed down his shaft, while her throbbing cunt milked every squirt from him. It was the wee hour of the morning when Christy left his lap. She spoke softly into his ear, “Come to bed with me, okay?”

Reggie gladly followed and the two went to bed, leaving Dave alone in the living room to sleep off what Reggie had secretly put in his beer earlier.


Spring and Summer had passed, the days grew shorter, and the trees began losing their leaves. The cold night wind carried on lonely conversations with the eaves of the house while Dave slept soundly.

Christy stared into Reggie’s dark brown eyes as he prepared to enter her. “Promise me you won’t hurt him when he finds out.”

“I promise as long as you treat me good, I’ll keep treating him good.”

“Are you sure he won’t wake up tonight?”

Reggie sunk his cock into her warm welcoming pussy. “We won’t have to worry about him this evening, baby.”

They seldom worried about Dave anymore, and he was never going to find out as Christy feared. Reggie secretly had plans for him. An apparent robbery that would turn deadly awaited Dave the next time he worked late night at the warehouse. Dave would soon be removed from the picture permanently. Reggie would have Christy entirely to himself, console her without her ever realizing his involvement in her husband’s death.

The sound of lovemaking — the rhythmic squeak of bedsprings, the grunts and groans of two souls lost in passion — grew louder. They left the bedroom door ajar as if no one else were in the house, their two shadowy figures moving in unison as moonlight flooded in through the window.

Reggie’s time to be with her had arrived. His shrewd decision to quickly seize opportunity and take advantage of a young, desperate couple lacking sense paid off. Christy was well worth his investment and he received a nice place to live as a bonus.

“Oh, ooh, yes. Ooh, uh-huh, I’m your girlfriend and I love you, Reggie. You feel so good inside me.”

“Oh, yeah, I love you too, baby, more than anything else. You gonna always be mine. I’m never gonna let you go.”

Christy’s dark blue eyes stared into Reggie’s dark brown ones as they made love. She had missed her period last month, and that altered her relationship with him entirely. In eight more months, Dave would finally know the truth, she thought. Dave would be angry, but he would either accept it and understand or end their marriage. Regardless, she would never take an innocent, unborn baby’s life, so Reggie was permanently part of the picture.

Perhaps it was a defensive mechanism that distorted her recollection of how her relationship with Reggie had actually started — the violence and coercion he used with her. As she viewed it from greater distances in time, she forgot all about his early cruelty and overlooked his criminal past. He wanted her more than Dave did. He physically satisfied her more than Dave could, bought her nicer things, and had treated her kindly once she had accepted him.

The past didn’t matter anymore anyway. Part of Reggie was growing inside her. He was the father of the baby in her womb, and her long affair with him would finally become obvious to Dave when she gave birth. Reggie promised to take care of her and the baby. That was all that mattered.

“Oh, yes, your big black cock feels so good in me. Oh, I’m cumming for you, Reggie. Cum inside me now. I love you, I’ll always be your girlfriend, and I’m going to have your beautiful baby.”